Frank Kern – Survey Siphon

Download Frank Kern Survey Siphon

Here, specifically, is some of what you’ll be discovering on the LIVE FREE training.

The bizarre method that CULT LEADERS use to control their followers’ minds …and how you can use their tactics as a force for good (and profits!).

The five steps to positioning yourself as more popular, more valuable, worth more money in terms of prices and fees, and quite simply, BETTER than anyone else in your marketplace (without actually coming right out and saying so).

The simple steps one New York man used to get paid over $1,500,000.00 PER HOUR …just for talking. (And how you can utilize this approach in your business.)
LIVE EXAMPLES of exactly how I pre-sell my products and services, at a premium price no less …to people who have never heard of me before – without using “sales letters”, “videos”, “webinars” or any “sales” materials at all. (You’ll also have my full and enthusiastic permission to COPY THIS TACTIC in your business.)


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