Learn how one video marketer is making $15,000/mo selling videos to local businesses. How to attract clients that will pay $1,000 – $3,000 per video and how to completely outsource the videos. Generate $200 – $500 every month residually for each video.
Module 1 – Getting the Client
* pricing strategies that work
* goldmine marketing to target
* strategies to get your foot in any door!
* getting the yes.
Module 2 – Fulfilling Orders
* business logistics
* creating the video
* how to rank videos
Module 3 – Expand and Scaling
* how to invest in your business
* outsource your videos
* create automated funnels
* getting results with Youtube ads
* getting results with Facebook ads
Make Videos. Get Paid.
Attract High-Paying Clients Today with the Local Video Academy Method!
Worth: $750