Jordan Belfort – Straight Line Persuasion Fast Track

Jordan Belfort – Straight Line Persuasion Fast Track

 The real secret of how I made my millions…

How To Get Anyone To Say “Yes” To Almost Anything
My proven, easy-to-follow “persuasion playbook” can give anyone an unfair advantage in sales, in business and in everyday life. Entrepreneurs, internet marketers, even plumbers are pocketing record profits with this formula. But please, don’t make the same mistake I did…


The Straight Line System Fast Track Course.
The Straight Line System Fast Track course is an online training course. Using videos, action-plans, worksheets, and other proven tools, I’ll take you under my wing and show you my secrets to ethical persuasion.
This system was born, battle-tested and perfected on Wall Street. This is the “playbook” used to teach clueless kids off the street my personal brand of persuasion. This is my proven system for getting the other person to say “yes” – and feel great about their decision!

With this easy-to-follow system, you can…

  • Negotiate the best deals possible… and have the other guy THANKING you once the deal is done.
  • Boost your business by winning more customers and getting your current customers to say “yes” more often.
  • Rack up “minor victories” throughout the day: Talk your way out of a speeding ticket, get your kids to happily eat their vegetables, score a date with that girl who shoots everybody else down…and more.

Best of all, this course is designed for SPEED.
I can’t promise to make you a “master of persuasion” in just 30 days. However, because persuasion is such a rare skill set, improving your skills by just a small amount will pay MASSIVE dividends.
That’s what I call the “Good Enough” factor. You don’t have to become a guru of persuasion to reap the benefits. You’ve heard the saying, “In the land of the blind, the man with one eye is king?”
When it comes to the science of persuasion, most people are blind, deaf and dumb! So just by implementing a few simple rules into your everyday life, you will immediately harness an unfair advantage over everyone else around you.

Here’s What Else You Are Going To Discover Over The Next Four Weeks…

In the first seven days, you’ll discover…

  • The true story of how I quadrupled my income as a boy with a newspaper route. This was my first sales FAILURE… until a grizzled sales pro taught me the “sifting secret.”
  • The Dark Side of Persuasion: Why it’s crucial this information doesn’t fall into the wrong hands and a first-person account of what can go wrong when it does. (If nothing else, you should arm yourself with this knowledge to protect yourself from other people using these persuasion secrets on YOU.)
  • The 4-second Persuasion Fix: How you can instantly boost the odds in your favor by changing the way you approach the first four seconds of any interaction – in person, over the phone or on the web.
  • The “Good Enough” Factor: Why improving your persuasion skills by just 2% can make the world your oyster, and what to leverage for the fastest results.
  • The survival mechanism part of your prospect’s “caveman brain” that makes most people want to immediately say “no.” And my proven opener that instantly switches off the fear response and gets anyone to open-up and welcome you as a trusted adviser.
  • The single strongest strategy for moving your prospect from “maybe” to “yes.” If you learn NOTHING else, this tip alone can dramatically improve your income and success.

Worth: $399


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