Perry Marshall and Talor Zamir – Local Business PPC 3.0

Perry Marshall and Talor Zamir – Local Business PPC 3.0

Do You Want to Take Your Consulting Business to the Next Level in 2015?
If You Do, It’s No Longer Enough to Have Lots of Little or Medium-Sized Clients
You Need High-Paying, Low-Maintenance, High-Profit Clients

Just One of These Whales Can Transform Your Business Overnight.
But Finding them Can Be A Costly and Rejection-Filled Experience.
You Need a Turnkey System for Finding them, Signing Them Up, And Generating High-Quality Leads for them Fast.

You Need to Be a High-End Consultant Who Makes it Rain!
And Talor Zamir Will Show You How to Do that in Local Business PPC Mastery 3.0.
What Would it Mean to Your Business to Add 2, 3, Even 10 New Clients Who Pay You $1000 to $6000 Per Month?

Attention Consultants: If You Land Just One Client Using Talor’s Local Business PPC Mastery Strategies, His Training will Pay for Itself 10X in Year One.
And, Talor’s Methods are So Plug-and-Play Simple that You’ll Be Able to Put them to Work for You Right Away…and Have the Time and Tools to Land Client after Client after Client.
And not just any clients. Talor’s system focuses only on affluent clients that have the cash to stroke you big checks month after month…not penny-pinching dry cleaners and hair salons…Talor’s system targets chiropractors, attorneys, dentists and high-end professionals. Professionals who know that one new customer is worth hundreds, often thousands of dollars in their pocket.

Here’s How You Will Transform Into a High-Powered, Rainmaking, Local PPC Consultant Before the End of 2015…

  1. Three hour-long live coaching webinars with Talor with open Q&A.
  2. Instant access to Talor’s landing page generator (a done-for-you-template that can start delivering leads in 48 hours or less).
  3. 12 Pre-Written Local Business Landing Pages already completely done-for-you and loaded into your Landing Page generator.
  4. Instant access to Talor’s video training series with 5 online modules teaching you everything you need to know to have success with this business.
  5. Done-For-You Sales Videos that sell people on your lead generation services for you!
  6. Talor’s prospecting templates and proposal for landing high-value local clients.
  7. Talor’s white paper on how to generate leads for attorneys and how to land them as clients. (Can also be used for other niches)
  8. Talor’s unreleased training on how to land clients using webinars.
  9. Access to the Powerpoint presentation that Talor uses when doing webinars to Lawyers and other Local Business owners (so you can use the same presentation!)
  10. Q&A access to Talor via the private Google+ community for 1 year.

PLUS: NEW! Talor’s “Client Landing Funnel” – How to Land Clients with Webinars!

Previously unreleased information on how Talor uses webinars to get high-paying clients. Talor will GIVE you the exact PowerPoint slides and copy he uses on his webinars to land the “whales!”
A turnkey system for landing whales PLUS customized advice from Talor to make sure those whales are happy?
All for less than what you’d spend on cable TV in a year?
No Brainer!

Are You Familiar with The 5 Power Disqualifiers?
John Paul Mendocha, “Dr. Speedselling”, has identified 5 criteria that every prospect must meet in order to be a real prospect and not just a suspect who will waste your time.

  1. Do they have the money?
  2. Do they have a bleeding neck? (an urgent problem you can fix)
  3. Do they have the ability to say “yes”?
  4. Do they buy into your Unique Selling Proposition?
  5. Does what you’re selling fit in with their overall plans?

The clients that Talor Zamir’s Local Leads Generation System targets meet all 5 power disqualifiers.

  • Talor’s system focuses solely on affluent clients (Lawyers, dentists, chiropractors, etc). They have money. Check.
  • Talor’s system addresses a chronic problem these clients moan about every day: Not enough clients or patients and no clue how to get more. They have a bleeding neck. Check.
  • Talor’s system doesn’t bother with receptionists and gatekeepers. He goes right for the head honcho. They can say yes. Check.
  • Talor’s USP is simple. “I guarantee I can start generating you new leads within 48 hours”. That’s easy to buy into. Check.
  • Talor’s system delivers leads that turn into paying clients. High-quality, paying clients always fit in with any business owners’ overall plans. Check.

Five for five.
This is why Talor consistently helps consultants land local clients that pay them not a measly $200 or $300 per month, but $1000 to $6000 per month: The clients are highly qualified.
And once these clients get addicted to the leads, they gladly pay more to get more. They are a hungry crowd salivating for more.
You get everything you need to start landing…and delighting…affluent local business clients…in 48 hours.

Worth: $1,997


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