Todd Brown – MFA Live Event 2016 Recordings

Download Todd Brown – MFA Live Event 2016 Recordings

“The ‘Big Idea Formula’ Creating Multi-Million-Dollar Marketing Funnels For Average Marketers!”

  • What I now call “The Millionaire Maker Formula: E.C. (P.P. + U.M.) + I.I. = B.I.”! It took me over 6 years analyzing multi-million-dollar marketing promotions from the biggest direct response companies on the planet to decipher their winning “code”. It’s the closest thing I’ve found to a guaranteed six to seven-figure marketing funnel!
  • The A-Player secret to creating a deep feeling of “hope” within your prospects… so they emotionally and logically believe your offer is the perfect solution for them… like an answer to their prayers!
  • 3 ways to come up with a Unique Mechanism and when to use each — The Existing Mechanism, The Unspoken Mechanism, and the Transubstantiated Mechanism — to instantly differentiate your product from everything else being offered to your prospects!
  • The little-known Metaphor Trick of elite-level copywriters that can be used to make almost any product or service feel extraordinary, valuable, and unique!
  • Know the difference between a Benefit and a Promise in your marketing funnel? You better. Because a combination of these is how the pro-level copywriters craft the highest converting marketing funnels online today.
  • How to use the “Other Pareto Principle” to force your brain to constantly bring you a steady stream of winning marketing ideas! (You’ll never be at loss, again, for a truly remarkable marketing idea.)
  • The one thing Mark Ford (pen name: Michael Masterson) told me he focused on when helping grow Agora Inc. from $15 million to over $150 million dollars a year! (It’s NOT copied, offers, traffic, product development, or building a team. Your whole perspective will change when you hear Mark’s secret to massive growth.)
  • What I learned from Bill Bonner, founder of Agora Inc., about the ultimate Pattern Interrupt for any marketing funnel. It works to grab the attention of prospects in even the most competitive and saturated markets.
  • … and much, MUCH MORE!

“Copy-Boarding: Agora Financial’s Newest Copywriting Technique For Cranking-Out Million-Dollar Promotions!”

  • LIGHTNING FAST COPY: The brand new “copy process” that’s allowing amateur, wet-behind-the-ears copywriters to bang-out multi-million-dollar sales promotions in under 14 days! It was unheard of in the direct response world– until now.
  • The “Hollywood Secret” to ensuring your sales promotion has a complete “story arc” that hooks your prospects from idea to sale!
  • How to identify — in just minutes — your prospects’ specific sales objections… and the perfect copy points to use to overcome ALL of them! (It demolishes every reason your prospects could have for not buying.)
  • The one-page “Sales Flow List” that prevents wasted copy and boring facts… and gives you a tight, compelling sales message every time! 
  • What Joe does with his marketing team once a week to ensure every new sales promotion brings in no less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS! (Any marketer can duplicate this… even if you’re a solo-preneur with no team.)
  • RARE FREE GIFT: Your own copy of the exact Copy-Boarding Process document Joe only shares with his internal team of copywriters! (You can’t buy this… or find it… anywhere else!)
  • … and much, MUCH MORE!

“The Hidden Marketing  Funnel Message Structure That’s Made Me Millions!”

  • **BRAND NEW: How to use the E5 Funnel Architecting Grid to identify the perfect marketing funnel hook, structure, message, and length for any offer in any marketplace! (This has never been shared before now!)
  • Why you MUST understand the “knowledge gap” of your prospects to accurately determine how long your marketing funnel should be to make the sale!
  • How to use a Marketing Funnel Thesis to eliminate all the fear and frustration of laying-out a winning message for any marketing funnel! (You’ll never feel overwhelmed again when deciding what you should or should not say throughout your marketing funnel. Now you’ll know!)
  • 5 things you must do within the first 500-800 words of every marketing funnel to keep your prospects engaged all the way to your offer! (I call this method “Setting the Hook”… since it ensures your prospects are completely hooked on hearing every word of your message.)
  • Why you need to use “123 C.B.P. Chunks” throughout your marketing funnel to give your prospects the exact information they need to see your product as the ideal solution!
  • How to use the Principle of Idea Density to keep prospects engaged and coming back throughout even the longest of marketing funnels! (If you ever use multi-step video funnels, webinar funnels, or launch funnels… this is a game-changer for you.)
  • The secret of the “Second Solution”! Do this and prospects will want your product before you ever even mention it.
  • ADVANCED: How to use an “Indirect Marketing Funnel” to capture sales daily from the biggest prospect segment of your marketplace! (This funnel type and prospect segment give you the largest and fastest opportunity for growth in your marketplace.)
  • How to use the E5 Funnel Architecting Grid to determine the perfect length of any marketing funnel! (NO more guessing how long your funnel should be or how many steps it should have. Now you’ll know… every time!)
  • 3 different types of benefits every big-money marketing funnel demonstrates! (Average marketers focus on just one type… while the pros almost always leverage the persuasive power of all three.)
  • How to create an insane desire for your product… before you even mention one word about it!
  • The Criteria Formula – it instantly shows prospects why your product is far superior to every other option available to them!
  • How to ensure your marketing message doesn’t cause the “Non-SEO Google Slap”! It’s likely the cause of why you’re not selling nearly as much as you could be.
  • How to ensure your marketing message implants everything your prospects need to believe so they buy today! (If your current marketing doesn’t establish all of these ‘necessary buying beliefs’, you’ll be stuck having to hard-sell your product!)
  • …and much, MUCH MORE!

“The 8-Point ‘Customer Acquisition Offer Structure’ That’s Producing Staggering Double-Digit Sales Conversions!”

  • 7 things you need to know about your competition… and 6 things you need to know about your product/service… so you can whip-up a truly” irresistible & superior offer”!
  • 8 components of every high-converting offer! (For every one of these you’re missing, your conversion rate can decrease by at least a percentage point or more.)
  • The Friendly Nudge: A variation of an old-school, yet powerful, copywriters trick for bumping sales conversions from on-the-fence prospects!
  • “Consequence Amplification”: A simple CTA method that produces a rush of orders and new sales at the conclusion of any marketing funnel!
  • 11 types of offers… and how to stack them for a quick sales conversion bump!
  • The secret of “Offer Sequencing” to maximize the monetization production of every one of your marketing funnels!
  • …and much, MUCH MORE!


“The Prospect Awareness Cycle Sequence: The Highest-Converting Email Follow-Up Sequence Working Today!

  • How to use the E5 Funnel Architecting Grid to immediately determine the perfect messaging in your email follow-up sequence for unconverted leads! (If you’re using a one-size-fits-all email follow-up process now, your conversions are going to skyrocket with this!)
  • Why you need to know your Prospect Awareness Level BEFORE you write a single email!
  • How to use the Prospect Awareness Cycler to move ice-cold traffic through the entire buying sequence… all the way to purchase… in just 5 days or less!
  • The secret of “Email Funnel Alignment” that boosts sales conversions by reinforcing the 5 beliefs your prospects need to have to buy! (This will bring you to a whole new level of email marketing.)
  • … and much, MUCH MORE!


“B-Map: The Backend Marketing Ascension Process That Can Bring You 260% Or More In New Bottomline Profits!”

  • A proven process for choreographing your customers’ backend buying journey!
  • How to use “The Backend Score” to instantly identify the next offer-type to make to your customers! (Todd said it was the single most valuable piece of advice he got from a legendary copywriter, Clayton Makepeace.)
  • How to determine the perfect timing for when to present your first backend offer to a new customer!
  • The MONEY SEGMENT: The one segment of your entire email list you need to invest the majority of your time, energy, and resources presenting new offers to… to exponentially grow your bottom line profits!
  • THE CUSTOMER GAUNTLET SEQUENCE: Put every new customer through this one sequence and watch as your Lifetime Customer Value grows every single month!
  • How to use Automatic Backend Offer Segmentation to have your website present the perfect “next offer” to every customer!
  • …and much, MUCH MORE!

“How I Went From $1,719 To $2.2 Million Dollars In Sales In Just 36 Months!”

  • Now on pace to do $4.5 MILLION DOLLARS in 2016… hear exactly what Eddie did to create such meteoric revenue growth in such a short period of time!
  • How Eddie was able to create his own wildly profitable marketing team… starting with less than 2K in the bank! (If you’d love the support of a team, but are afraid of the added expense, pay attention to Eddie’s “ROI-positive process”.)
  • What offers to present to your marketplace — and in what order — to grow your company from unknown to the 800-pound marketplace GORILLA! You’ll hear all about how Eddie did it.
  • Listen to what areas of his business Eddie spent his time within while scaling so quickly… so you know what you should be doing in your own business every day!
  • …and much, MUCH MORE!

“E5 Elevate: The Paint-By-Numbers Process ToDouble Your Business In 2017!”

With E5 Elevate You’ll Understand What To Do For:

  • Planning your new products and projects…
  • Setting-up your marketing calendar…
  • Projecting your financials…
  • Determining what type of team or support you need…
  • Laying-out your milestones and measurement tools…
  • Deciding on new traffic channels…
  • Plotting your customer acquisition strategy…
  • Mapping-out your backend profit strategy…
  • Choosing your personal workflow structure…
  • Selecting your most important personal goals…
  • Eliminating the wasteful activities from your schedule…
  • …and more!

“The NEW Marketing Funnel Model — unknown to average marketers —That Brings You Continuity Buyers Like Nothing Else You’ve Seen!”

  • Shhhhhh!: The proven, but under-the-radar marketing funnel model being used right now by the biggest direct response companies to acquire thousands of paid subscribers and continuity customers every month! (Since it hasn’t made its way into the IM community yet, you’ll be one of the first to use this new funnel model… and profit wildly from it!)
  • A piece-by-piece dissection of the pages, copy, & unique offer that powers this unique funnel model… so you can swipe and deploy it within just days! (This will likely become one of your go-to funnels for acquiring a steady stream of new customers every day.)
  • The marketing & financial metrics for this funnel model you need to see so you can scale your traffic and new customer acquisition big and fast!
  • How this new funnel model allows you to acquire new customers by legally and ethically giving away other expert’s products for FREE! (They’ll be thrilled and you’ll get a massive influx of new customers.)
  • SECRET PHONE NUMBER: The direct phone number to my personal vendor so you too can deploy this “secret funnel” in your own business! Tell him you’re my client… and you’re golden!
  • …and more!

“The Google Ad Strategy That Generated 14,000 New Customers For Stansberry Research”

  • Master the world’s largest ad network… and learn exactly how we used it to go from 1,000 to 100,000 clicks per day (profitably)!
  • How we use “Operation Nowhere To Hide” to generate over 500 customers per day!
  • A simple trick so you only pay for high-quality traffic (because it removes bogus bot traffic)!
  • The one tweak we did that DOUBLED SALES for Stansberry Research, overnight!
  • The FREE SOFTWARE for ad creation that routinely beats the pants off top banner designers!
  • The easy, surefire way to keep even aggressive direct response ads and landing pages fully compliant with Google!
  • …and much, MUCH MORE!


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