Todd Brown – Borrowed Best Seller

Download Todd Brown – Borrowed Best Seller

A Whole New Way To Grow Your Business FAST!

“Borrow A Bestseller”

And Get Flooded With New Customers In Just Days!

Possibly The Easiest & Fastest Advertising Method To Get Thousands Of New Buyers

YES! This will work for you

no matter what product or service you sell

Fill Your business With A Surge Of Fresh Buyers!
And you can do it for as long you want to continue to drive more and more sales.
Start small; start big. However, you want.
The Borrowed Bestseller Campaign is the perfect advertising method for you if you’re short on time, don’t have a product yet, don’t feel like creating a new product, or just want the hefty credibility-boost of “borrowing a best-seller”.
This will get you new customer sales like nothing you’ve seen before.
And you can do this no matter what niche you’re in… what product or service you sell… or whether you’re a new entrepreneur or grizzled veteran.

You don’t need an email list…

You don’t need any joint venture partners…

You don’t need a social media following…

And you don’t need any special connections or anyone’s permission or approval.

In fact, bestselling authors will love you for it.

The best part of all…

Launching a Borrowed Bestseller Campaign is so easy and fast…

Think about it:

No writing or product creation…

A sellable product instantly…

The instant credibility of a published book…

The positioning of an established expert…

PR and buzz already created…

Most of the copy already written by professional copywriters…

An ocean of buyers…

And you keep every dollar of every sale… while adding new customers to your own list you can sell over and over.

If that’s not a beautiful marketing opportunity, I don’t know what it is!

So, immediately, I decided to put the Borrowed Bestseller Campaign to the test in my own business.

So I spoke to my friends at Agora Financial to find out where they go to borrow their best-sellers.

They shared their secret source, and off I went to borrow my first best-seller.

I was stunned to see…

There Are Hundreds Of Best-Sellers You Can Borrow
Right Now!
And more and more which become available for borrowing every week.
You name it, there’s a book you can borrow and immediately use to get new customers.
Almost every topic imaginable:








Time management…

Personal development…







…even cookbooks.

You generate sales from new buyers which you then own and can sell over and over and over!
Simply put:
You’re borrowing a bestseller… on a topic related to your main product or service…
Acquiring fresh, motivated customers as they buy the book from you thru your Borrowed Bestseller Campaign…
Then selling those new buyers your main product or service afterward.
And as you get more and more new buyers from your Borrowed Bestseller Campaign, you own all those new customers for life and can sell more and more products to them anytime you want.
It really is…


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