Andre Chaperon – Tiny Little Businesses

Download Andre Chaperon – Tiny Little Businesses

So what are Tiny Little Businesses (or TLB for short)? Simples… The Training TLB is a 7-month training program. One lesson per week. Much like an MBA degree, there is a beginning and an end. This is by design because it works. There is no “fast-track” option. Each lesson is made up of written text. Then there is a video to visually demonstrate the “how-to” part. Then you get a list of tasks for the week that you need to execute on and summary notes that help you at a glance. It’s step-by-step stuff. Go and do this, then that, and the next thing. Then the next lesson rolls in. And so on. Experience Needed?

It honestly doesn’t matter. If you’re a grass-green noob who has never earned a buck online before, this can work for you. Even if you’ve been at this for years, but real results that were promised by the goo-roos just haven’t come.

The only real prerequisites are… Determination (to do whatever it takes to succeed). Desire (as in a burning desire to make this work). You don’t need some fancy-pants education.

Learn by Doing In TLB we teach a philosophy called learn by doing. Here’s how it works… We explain why you should do whatever in a certain way. Then we show you how to do it. Then we list out the steps that you need to do. And then you go do it. Simple. End of that week you have a result. It may just be some research. But you’ll actually HAVE that research. It may just be creating a survey. Or contacting someone. Or writing an ad. Or spending $10 on Facebook Ads for an experiment you’ve setup to validate an assumption. Or setting up tracking to better optimize your sales system. Meaning at the end of the training you’ll actually have a working businesses that’s earning you money. Affiliate Marketing We get asked a lot why we teach affiliate marketing as our core framework. The simple answer is that affiliate marketing happens to be the path of least resistance to having a presence in any market. It’s fast. Requires zero product development and creation. Which means minimum risk. It’s the fastest way to “test the waters” before jumping into the shark tank. Starting with affiliate marketing allows you to FIRST:

  1. validate that an audience (pocket of people, or POP) exists (targeting).
  2. validate that you can easily reach that POP (traffic).
  3. validate whether the problem you’ve identified is even a problem worth solving (as in, will they PAY for the solution).

There is no faster way to validate these three points than doing it using affiliate marketing.

It’s all about minimum risk to you.

Worth: $450