Brandon Olson – RankDaddy Academy

[Download] Brandon Olson – RankDaddy Academy

Discover How We Took A Simple 6 Step Process, Made A Few Simple Tweaks, And Turned It Into
A $50k Per Month Powerhouse Almost Overnight…
Most people know there is an ocean of wealth being created online but…. The path to the internet promise land is not a clear one.
Most professions like Doctors, Lawyers, mathematicians, Pilots, Engineers, Pharmacists, Nurse, etc all have clear and structured paths to a successful career.
When it comes to starting an internet business we are left to figure it out on our own….
Relying on Youtube, Amazon Best Sellers, and an endless onslaught of course gurus offering a “quick n easy” automated fix….
Which all end up saying the same thing.
You need 4 things to make lifestyle money online:

1. A Website (but it doesn’t have to be yours…)

2. An Offer (basically, an idea to buy)

3. Floods of Traffic (Eyeballs are crucial!)

4. Consistent Conversions (Getting paid!)

These 4 elements can be aligned in TONS of different ways to create an online business.
Some cost A LOT to start and have an ocean of competition to deal with….
Others require buying & storing your offer in your garage, which is just annoying, right?
But I am going to share with you the irresistible lifestyle-friendly business that is completely digital w/ little competition.
When done right, this profession routinely out earns top jobs like Doctors n Lawyers without costing you 10 years of your life in school or $100,000+ in student debt only to still be on a timeclock…
Through much trial and error, I’ve been able to profitable run a thriving online business that earns over $50,000 per month while working only 2-10 hours per week.

Wanna know how?
Well, I’ll tell ya….
Basically, I solve the #1 problem for business owners using the internet.
Search Engine Optimization – SEO.
OR in simpler terms….
Getting their website to the top of page 1 of Google search results and keeping it there!

[Recall, #3 Floods of Traffic]
To business owners, page 1 of Google is like placing their business in the middle of Time Square w/ unlimited amount of customers all around them…

As a business owner, can you imagine too many customers?

[#4 Consistent Conversions]
So many, that you’re forced to hire more staff, add to your fleet, to stop all other forms of coupons and advertising, and raise your prices!

These are the types of “problems” that I create for local businesses. Daily.
Unfortunately most business online presence is more likely to be found on page 8 or 10 aka the “Sahara Desert”.
No eyeballs, no customers, no sales….
Leaving their business PRAYING for relief.
That’s when Rank Daddy swoops in and saves the day!
So, when I’m responsible for expanding their business and deliver a flood of new customers, how do ya think they feel about me?
That’s right, they LOVE me!
And they’re ecstatic to send me a check for $500 to $2,500 month each and every month.
Was it easy to get to this point?

Not at first.
Remember there is no clear path to make this stuff work, just a lot of theories and ideas….
Probably like many of you, there’s been a whole heap of trial and error along the way.
Plenty of “fail safe” courses purchased.
Spending thousands of dollars just to discover your at a dead end!
Now, after 3 years of trial and error, tweaking, and developing a system which can be duplicated and scaled, I’d say it’s worked out pretty good.
The SEO process I developed builds and ranks websites quick, and easy, with minimal cost and maximum results.
Each website I created was like a digital employee, earning for me 24/7.
Allowing me the time-freedom to enjoy family time without worrying about the bills month to month.
Every-time it worked, over and over.
I was ranking client websites like clockwork. (often in 60 days or less)
So I started sharing my system with other marketers in SEO Facebook™ groups.
What happened?
The same insane results.

Worth: $999


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