Ben Adkins – Authority Sponging Master Plan

Download Ben Adkins – Authority Sponging Master Plan

Ready to Take Your Lead Generation and Sales to The Next Level?
We Are Proud to Introduce You To:
What’s Inside the Immersion Course and Mastermind?

Part 1: How to Understand Your Audience Better Than Their Mom Does.
You’ll Get our Full Audience Identifier Method. This will allow you to Break Down your Target Customer Better than You Ever Have. With this, you’ll be able to understand exactly what problems your potential customers are trying to solve.
Armed with this information you’ll get more people to opt-in to your sales funnel and sell more products to them faster.

Part 2: Finding Elite Leading Content
You’ll Get a Behind the Scenes Look at how we find the best content on the planet to act as our “Authority Sponging” Bait. This will ensure that your Birdsong built Optin Goes Viral and People end up sharing it for you. (and… the content leads your potential customer into an eventual purchase)

Part 3: The Email Follow-Up Genius Template
I’m going to give you our Private Email Follow Up Formula that is responsible for Millions of Dollars in Generated Revenue over the last 2 years.
I’ll show you how to apply it to your product and start turning options within the first week of running traffic to your Birdsong Generated Optin Page and Content.

Part 4: Where to Find the Best Things to Giveaway For Options
I’ll show you how to quickly understand what your potential customers will be hungry to give their email address for and where to find the content to giveaway to them for free.
You’re going to be blown away by the resources we hand you that you can use to generate lead sucking opt-in bait.

Part 5: The Birdsong App “Directors Cut”
Not only will I go in Depth on the things you can do with the Birdsong App as it relates to Authority Sponging… I’ll also walk you through some things that you won’t believe you can do.

You’re going to get the “Director’s Cut” of this Amazing Software where we’ll show you some other amazing things you can do to get targeted leads and convert them to sales with the App.

Part 6: The Facebook Ad Blueprint
One of the most powerful ways to use the Birdsong App is in conjunction with Facebook Ads. We’ll walk you through how to use Facebook Ad as the Professionals do.
You’ll Learn the Targeting and Ad Setup Secrets that Will Set you Apart from the Pack and that will take your “Authority Sponging” to the Next Level.

Part 7: The Local Marketing Business Domination Model
You can use the Authority Sponging Technique in a very interesting way if you’re helping Local Businesses. We’ll walk you through the exact technique that you can use to get local clients and help them get more business using the Birdsong App

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