Jeanine Blackwell – Get Corporate Clients

Jeanine Blackwell – Get Corporate Clients

Just One Corporate Client Could Equal 100 Individual Clients for Your Coaching, Consulting, or Freelance Business
…Small, Medium and Large Businesses Have Budgeted Over 8 BILLION Dollars to Spend With Outside Experts Like You This Year
It can be hard when you first start your business or launch your new offer.
You are all excited about the possibility of serving and helping a lot of people.
You sign up for courses to learn what you need to do make it all happen.
You get all excited researching and creating and figuring out how to bring this whole vision you have to live.

And, then you hit a wall and everything stalls.
It seems like everything is taking longer than you thought it would get your work out there in a big way.
Every day you look at your long checklist filled with tech stuff you know needs to get done to make the leap and you don’t know how to do it and don’t have the budget to pay someone else to do it for you.
Many of the clients you attract don’t have the money to go deeper with you…even though they want to.
And, this means that most days you just feel overwhelmed.

It’s Critical That You Stay in Your Zone of Genius in Your Business.
The more time you spend actually helping your clients get results, the better you feel and the faster your business grows.
The ability to stay in your zone of genius comes from having enough sales to have other people do the things in your business that aren’t in your zone.
Hooking up that sales page, creating that ad campaign…
What if you only focused on working with great, highly committed clients and had more than enough revenue coming in to make your dream income AND outsource all the stuff you don’t want to do?
How much easier would this all be if you had a handful of really high-paying clients that funded the growth of your business?
Here’s the truth: There are experts just like you who are working with the small, medium, and large-sized businesses who think nothing of investing $10k, $20k, or even $100k on courses, coaching, and consulting. These businesses are right in your backyard AND you can reach them without a sales funnel or ads or any tech-based marketing system.

Why Should You Sell YOUR Expertise to Associations, Non-Profits, Small, Medium, and Large Businesses?
Just ONE Corporate Client Could Equal 100+ Individual Clients
One corporate client might buy 100+ seats in your online course.
Or, they might put 10 executives through your one-on-one coaching program.
Or bring together 100 people to experience your workshop.
The opportunities are endless when you know how to package and price the right solutions.

You Don’t Need an Online Funnel to Sell Your Expertise to Small, Medium, or Large Businesses
Your funnel for selling to small, medium, or large businesses can be as simple as email and your phone.
You don’t need to invest in any tech tools or hire a large support team.
And, you can set up this low-tech system in days or weeks.

You Already Have Relationships in Your Own Backyard You Could Turn Into Corporate Clients
Whether you’re aware of it or not, you have many opportunities to sell your expertise in your local area.
It only takes one short sentence about what you do to have someone ask you, “Do you work with businesses like mine?”.
The local chapters and regional offices of bigger businesses are right in your backyard (and are often the best way to start relationships with larger companies).

Everyday Interactions in Your Local Area Can Turn Into Lucrative Corporate Clients
Your favorite Mexican restaurant learns what you do and invites you to lead their company retreat.
Your hairdresser introduces you to the product rep visiting their salon and you land a consulting gig with a Fortune 500 brand.
Your driver taking you to the airport also has her own graphic design business and she will now be joining you in one of your workshops.
…and by the way, all of these are actual examples of how I found clients.

There Are Four Steps That Will Determine Your Success in Selling to Small, Medium, and Large Businesses
to find the decision-maker. (Hint: the person who is responsible for the result is always the decision-maker and budget holder).
Most experts do not consider this step so they are selling to people who are not interested.
When you focus on results and ask great questions, you can easily be seen as an expert.
If you do not establish yourself as an expert, the decision-maker may delegate meetings with you to someone who is unable to make the decision.

Most experts work too hard trying to convince their prospect that they need what they’re selling. It’s much easier to ask great questions, listen to what they need, and have told you what they want to buy from you.

Worth: $997


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