Welcome Traffic & Conversion Attendees!
How to Setup A $15 Promoted Post That Rakes In New Customers Right Off Facebook in 15 Minutes…
Leading Facebook Expert Reveals This Little Known ‘Promoted Post Strategy’ That Sends Floods of Traffic to Your Site in Just Minutes!
Dear Friend,
Do you frequently find yourself wishing someone would actually tell you how to use Facebook to grow your email list?
Do you wonder if it’s actually possible to use Facebook to generate real sales?
Have you ever wondered why everyone says how great Facebook marketing is, but no one seems to be getting any real results?
I Totally Understand.
It’s not your fault, you’ve probably heard a million opinions and got a ton of “free advice” (usually worth about what you pay for it) and you’re more confused than ever…
That’s OK. This is what I do, so help is on the way.
It’s Possible to Explode Your Traffic with a $15 Promoted Post, Even If You Have No List or No Fans…
You could go out and read EVERY book ever written on Facebook Marketing spend HOURS interviewing industry insiders, and actually go out in the field and DO this stuff as I have.
Watch these 5 simple videos that condense down everything I’ve learned about how to use quick promoted posts to build your list and increase sales.
No fluff and NO B.S. Just the raw information and systems you need to drive massive traffic with Facebook.
Here’s Just a LITTLE of what you’ll discover…
- How we generated $2,087 in new sales (with a simple $500 promoted post)…
- How to quickly (under 5 minutes) setup your own promoted posts that drives massive traffic…
- How to exploit other businesses’ fans and bring them straight to your offers…
- 3 ways to “hack” promoted posts so you can get cheaper clicks and more traffic (at the same time)…
- The 1 thing you CANNOT afford to do with promoted posts if you don’t want to lose money…
- and a lot, lot more…
Why Pioneers Get Scalped
There is an old saying in business “Pioneers get scalped but settlers prosper” Think about it, you go out and try this on your own.
Can you imagine how much faster and easier it is when you follow a proven system of dozens of “Pioneers” before you that made thousands of costly mistakes before becoming successful at marketing with Facebook?
- Knowing how to set up promoted posts in less than 5 minutes (even if you’ve never created a single ad in your life)…
- Seeing hundreds of new leads subscribing to your email list every single afternoon (and then buying your products later that day)…
- Bringing thousands of passionate fans visiting YOUR fan page each day, commenting about how much they love the information you’re delivering them…
- Your competitors calling you begging you to tell them how you’ve grown your business so quickly…
- Your family and friends seeing how many people follow you online…
- Being proud of the business you’ve built because you can now take care of the people you love most without worrying about time or money…
- and a lot, lot more…
Worth: $699