Discover the 13 Recruiting SECRETS Brian Carruthers Has Developed to PERSONALLY RECRUIT More Than 1,450 into His Network Marketing Business!
using “the right words” when talking with your prospects, recruiting because of SO MUCH FUN!
SECRET #4: What To Do When They Say No
– This is where 95% of network marketers stop and one of the reasons they have no success. I’ll show you how to turn this into a WIN for you and recruit through this person. Just using this method alone will accelerate your recruiting efforts.
SECRET #5: Maintaining An Attractive Attitude
– Attitude is everything when growing your network marketing business. I’ll share with you how to have the millionaire mindset regardless of how many NO’s you get when contacting your prospects. Using this method turns those NO’s into CASH in your pocket — you’re going to love this!
SECRET #6: The GAP Method
– One of the reasons I’m able to recruit so many people is because I’ve developed this method. Using this saves me a tremendous amount of time when recruiting people. Once you see how simple this is to use and how easy it is to put people in front of your presentations, you’re going to be smiling every time you pick up the phone. Recruiting has never been easier!
SECRET #7: The Rapport Method
– You’ll be able to instantly connect with your new prospect so you’ll know if there’s a match between you. This is critical for not wasting your time and making sure you’re always putting high-quality people in front of your network marketing presentations. Once you master this, you’ll start to see a higher closing rate of fresh new recruits joining your team.
SECRET #8: The Storyteller
– Here you’ll discover how to craft stories (that are true) so you can use these to excite and motivate your new prospect to join your team. Becoming a storyteller is very important for the overall growth of your network marketing business and I’ll share with you exactly how to do this — it’s going to be exciting!
SECRET #9: The 3 F’s and how to use them
– The 3 F’s are the foundation for creating an instant connection with your new prospect. Here you’ll see exactly how to use these and recruit more people quickly into your business quickly.
SECRET #10: Text Blitz
– Mobile is everything in today’s digital landscape and is much more than just owning a phone. Here you’ll see how I use text messaging to recruit more people FAST into my network marketing business!
SECRET #11: The ART of Promoting
– At the end of the day, our job as recruiters is to promote events. These events include meetings, conference calls, webinars, etc. It’s how we recruit people into our business. You’ll learn the ONE TINY LITTLE thing I do that causes people to show up and take action. Using this will dramatically BOOST the number of people you recruit into your network marketing business.
– This is something that once you really understand and start using, it will keep you always in front of fresh new prospects without having to spend money on leads or advertising. Imagine never running out of people to talk with about your opportunity — it’s very cool!
SECRET #13: Dangling The Carrot – One of my highest recruiting days was when I recruited 10 people in one day. This did not happen by accident. Using the method I outline in this module, you’ll discover how to SPEED UP your recruiting.
Worth: $799