Sebastian Ghiorghiu – EcomAlphas

Sebastian Ghiorghiu – EcomAlphas

What is EcomAlphas?
Max Rozhenko, Matthew Boils, and I (Sebastian Gheorghiu) have come together to build what we know as the most inclusive and value-packed drop shipping course In literal history. Each of us individually has an unfair amount of knowledge and more importantly experience, on different skills involved with drop-shipping. Instead of each creating a separate course we decided that coming together and teaching what we are amazing at was a better idea. Thus, we present to you “EcomAlphas”, literally 3 separate alphas in this industry together working as a team to obliterate competitors and change students for life.

What will you learn in EcomAlphas?
You will learn how 3 young adults together generated millions of dollars online in less than 2 years. This course is the complete guide on drop-shipping, all the way from creating your store and finding immensely profitable products, to curating a perfect advertisement and marketing those products all over social media. All of the videos in this course are taught by experts in those fields. Find our years of experience, patience, and hard work condensed and organized into this masterpiece of a course.

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