Alex Becker & Alex Cass – Source Phoenix

Alex Becker & Alex Cass – Source Phoenix

What Is Source Phoenix?
Source Phoenix is a money-making course where SEO is the process of making money, and it will be taught by 3 people generating over 300k a month in with SEO combined. It is going to be the most advanced goto SEO course of the year with the best experts in the industries showing exactly what works
We are also throwing in the SEO Nova plugin so that buyers will be able to totally mimic our strategies. The plugin will allow users to interlink their sites in the same way we do, and at a button, press generate all the content and virtually do everything they need to rank a site It will then assist them in creating free links (so they can do it for free) and manage their paid links (PR sites)

This Is The Full PackageThe product will also be the full package. It will train a beginner to do SEO while teaching the most advanced ranking and affiliate tactics. It will also show a person how to create a thriving SEO client business and then  sell SUPER profitable SEO services/SEO real estate + give them tons of quick money-making tactics so they can make money right away

The product will consist of

-A four-module course

-The SEO Nova software

-2 months of group coaching and Q/A webinars from coaches generating well over $10k a month with SEO

The Angle (Why This Will Be HOT)

SEO is once again the hottest most wide-open opportunity in IM. We are going to show you (even if you’re new to this) the tactics that are generating us over $300,000 a month.

The best of the best of the best sit down and show you exactly what is working and how to completely cash in on the biggest opening in SEO since early 2000?s

It’s so wide open because everyone has assumed it’s hard. The competition is gone, and the algorithm at the moment is easier than ever before. Even with a small investment a person can reach a 5 figure per month income because the algo is 100% predictable

On top of this, because of the sudden vacuum SEO is in more demand than ever. Never have there been so many businesses needing SEO and so many SEO’s renting SEO real estate. This again leaves a huge chance to cash in with very little risk.

On top of that, you have the best of the best teaching you the exact templatedon’t-think-just-do tactics. So if you’re an intermediate this will bust you through the wall, and if you’re a beginner this will take you all the way to 5 figure a month level

The Target Market

This product will kill it with

-Anyone looking to generate income online

-Anyone already interested in SEO

This product is a double-edged sword because it can be for anyone who wants to generate a full-time income online.

The reason for this is the methods we show have such little risk and investment yet have an extremely high return. We also show exactly how anyone can get started doing this so this product can go across the entire make money online market.

With that being said, this is THE most advanced SEO course released this year and is an absolute must-have to any SEO period. This will take struggling SEO’s to their first BIG paydays and allow veteran SEO’s to double their income.

Long story short if your customers want a large passive full-time income online this is PERFECT for them and absolutely necessary to promote if you have any form of an SEO based list you want to help!

The Modules (Parts Of The Course)

MODULE 1: The Ropes

This will train anyone who’s unfamiliar with SEO and get them to the expert level

MODULE 2: Advanced Affiliate SEO

100k A month Dan Anderson  will be teaching exactly how to generate a huge passive income from affiliate SEO and tactics never seen before that give you a huge edge over the rest of the SEO world

He will also be covering how to CRUSH rankings for even tough searches and select the most profitable searches you can make money from very quickly with a small investment

This module will also have a 1.5 section released after the 30 days. It will be called “The Cutting Edge”

This will outline the “super powerful no one knows” tactics and affiliate loopholes that can make 100k a month incomes a reality

Module 3: Client SEO

50k a month Jake Tanner + Alex Becker will be covering how to attract clients passively and turn them into high paying passive income sources.

We will also be covering advanced ways to expand your client-based business AND outrank all the competitors in your target areas

We will also be covering how to use this to make your first dollars FAST even if you are not pro SEO and can only make a small initial investment

Module 4: Quick Cash and SEO Services

In this module, I will be breaking down the fastest ways to make money with SEO using a few different tactics.

Then I will be showing how SEO is one of the hottest niches to be a seller in with services and places to rent links being SUPER high in demand

I will show how to create easy to run HIGH-profit SEO service or just simply rent out sites and makes a 5-10x return instantly with very little work involved

Product Overview Demo


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