Sean Terry – Marketing Mastery X

Download Sean Terry - Marketing Mastery X

Module 1: Marketing Mastery X Introductions and Expectations
Module 2: The Science of Direct Mail
Module 3: Distressed Lists vs Non-Distressed Lists
Module 4: Inheritance List – Where to Get it and What to Mail Them
Module 5: Property Tax Default – Why I love this List and Where to Get it
Module 6: Vacant Properties – The List, Locating the Seller and a Ninja Way to Build Buyers
Module 7: Pre-Foreclosure – The Freshest List and How How to Make the Offer
Module 8: The Perfect Property Avatar – 80/20 Rule on Your Deals to Find Your PPA
Module 9: Absentee Owners – The Best List and Strategy
Module 10: The Owner Occupant Neighborhood Property Stacking System
Module 11: The No Data off The Radar Hidden List

Module 1: Online Marketing Mastery
Module 2: Google Adwords PPC Ads for 24/7 Lead Generation
Module 3: Bing & Yahoo PPC Ads for Total Market Domination
Module 4: Youtube Videos for Instant SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Module 5: The Facebook Seller Suck: Suck Leads out of Facebook

Module 1: Bandit Sign Billions using this Killer New App
Module 2: Local Newspaper Old Fashion Lead Drop
Module 3: Yellow Pages – Yes, We Get Deals from The Yellow Pages
Module 4: RVM Lead Machine – Pull High Quality Leads for Less than .10 Cents a Piece
Module 5: TV Ad Super Blitz – How to Be Seen EVERYWHERE!

Module 1: Cold Calling the Legal Way – Generate $10 leads Module 2: Realtors Referral Formula for FREE Deals Consistently!
Module 3: Follow Up Fortunes Overview
Module 4: Voice Broadcast – SMS Text – Email Domination
Module 5: Meetup Millions – Flow to Be The Authority In Your Market

Worth: $399