Alex Mandossian – No List Marketing Strategies

Download Alex Mandossian – No List Marketing Strategies

Who Else Wants to Accelerate
Online Cash Flow … Without an Email List?
Discover the Insider Secrets and Step-by-Step Process for
Leveraging Social Media to Grow Your Influence, Raise Your
Profile, Build a Community and Generate Revenue

Introducing No List Marketing Strategies™
No List Marketing Strategies™ is a 6-module online training program that walks you step-by-step through the process of setting up a social media marketing network that incorporates the Big 5: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and your blog.

You’ll discover how to:

  • Set up your accounts … including the elements that will supercharge the pulling power of your pages and profiles
  • The specifics of leveraging each network to maximize the size and participation of your network
  • A revolutionary model – G.U.T.S.I. – that show you how to promote across channels, so the results you achieve are multiplied exponentially

Hi, my name is Alex Mandossian. Since 1991, I’ve generated over $300 million in sales and profits for my clients and partners via “electronic marketing” media such as TV Infomercials, online catalogs, 24-hour recorded messages, voice/fax broadcasting, Teleseminars, Webinars, Podcasts and Internet Marketing.
I’m privileged to work with thought leaders like Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfield, Stephen Covey, Les Brown, David Allen, Vic Conant, Brian Tracy, David Bach, Harvey Mackay, Robert Cialdini, Harv Eker, Bobbi DePorter, Michael Masterson, Joe Vitale, Gay, and Katie Hendricks, Bob Proctor, and many others. I’ve personally consulted with Dale Carnegie Training, NYU, 1ShoppingCart Corp.,, Pinnacle Care, Strategic Coach, Trim Spa, Peak Potentials and many others.

One of the most important things I’ve learned is that marketing and business success depends on relationships with your prospects and customers.
If you can build solid relationships with your customers, not only will they buy from you … but they’ll also refer their family, friends, colleagues, and clients to you. Relationships are what make or break your company’s success.

I know, because focusing on relationships first and selling second is the foundational secret to my success.
By some measures, my company is small compared to other Internet marketers. I don’t have a staff of 30, 40 or more people. I have 3 employees and outsource the rest to a small team of very reliable vendors.
Some consider my opt-in list of subscribers to be small. Although it’s grown 500+% since I first started my business (especially in the past two years because of our focused efforts in this area) for a long time my list was considered microscopic compared to other Internet marketers who had 400,000, 700,000, and even a million names or more on their lists.
And my web site traffic is a blip compared to many of my Internet marketing compatriots. While my peers were generating tens and hundreds of thousands of web site hits each month … my main site, for many years, had fewer than 100 visitors a day.

Yet I routinely outsell most of them.
What You’ll Learn
No List Marketing Strategies™ is presented in 6 convenient video-training modules that are accessible through a private, members-only web site

Module 1:
Using the Pulling Power and Marketing Reach of Facebook to Grow Your Business

  • The type of page you should set up if you want to maximize Facebook marketing for business …. and 4 reasons to steer clear of groups
  • The biggest promotional mistake most entrepreneurs make when setting up their pages
  • How to easily integrate other social media channels into your Facebook page

Module 2:
Using the Power and Reach of LinkedIn to Grow Your Business

  • The hands-down most important thing to do when setting up your profile – this has been proven to increase the effectiveness of your profile up to 40%
  • The key changes to make in your bio to ensure you get found quickly by people who could use your services
  • 3 ways to make your profile picture pop out from the rest

Module 3:
Use the Pulling Power and Marketing Reach of Twitter to Grow Your Business

  • The easiest way to get a unique Twitter background created for your profile
  • The 2 pages you should list in your profile – pick one of these to ensure that Twitter followers know how to take the next step with your company
  • What to look for when deciding who to follow … and why it’s important to be choosey

Module 4:
Understanding the Pulling Power & Marketing Reach of YouTube

  • 5 ways to incorporate videos into your marketing
  • The best wording to use when naming your YouTube channel … and what to do if someone is already using the name you want
  • 5 places to find affordable graphic designers who can create a professional look for your YouTube channel

Module 5:
Understanding the Power and Reach of Blogging

  • 7 key ways you can use a blog to connect with prospective and current customers … and how it differs from your web site
  • 3 ways blogs will help boost your search engine ranking
  • The most essential elements of a blog … and what your posts need to include to capture the attention of visitors and search engines

Module 6:
Grand Unification Theory of Social Influence
This is the module where it all comes together. You’ll learn how to be one of the rare entrepreneurs who uses social media strategically … weaving together all of your social media efforts into a web that effortlessly captures readers and builds your social influence.

Worth: $750


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