Amy Porterfield – List Builders Lab 2016

Download Amy Porterfield – List Builders Lab 2016

Loaded with only the most proven, ZERO COST list building strategies for 2016:

Build an email list of 1,500+ engaged fans and eager buyers in just 90 days… without spending a dime on ads
Every day, with a credit card in hand, HUNDREDS of your most VALUABLE potential clients opt-in to an email list with the hopes of overcoming their most urgent problems.

Question is…

Are they opting into YOURS?

And whether you’ve created an online course, or have plans to create one in the near future,
the success of your coaching, consulting, or training business rests heavily on your answer to this question.
If you’re reading this, then you probably ALREADY know that building a powerful email list of eager buyers is crucial to the success of your business. No need to remind you of that
But maybe you didn’t know that by building your list using the system I’m about to share with you (and hitting the crucial tipping point of 1,500 subscribers), you’ll also have the power to:

  • Quickly validate new products BEFORE spending hundreds of hours creating it.
  • Enjoy substantial cash windfalls just by matching your audience to existing solutions that match their needs (otherwise known as Joint Venture partnerships)
  • Have the right foundation to start profiting from all those powerful intermediate strategies you keep hearing about. (webinars, sales funnels, surveys, joint ventures, etc.)
  • Attract higher profile guests and influencers for your podcast or blog that helps you grow your reach even faster.
  • Possess a powerful and consistently growing asset (1,500+ engaged leads) that can literally generate revenue on demand.
  • Answer with confidence when potential partners and collaborators ask you: “How many people do you have on your list?”

YES, these outcomes are totally within reach for you and your business (even if you’re starting from scratch)…
… but they DO depend on you taking a straight line,
step-by-step approach
One that leverages only the most proven list building strategies available while dodging all those sharp shiny objects that constantly rip a hole through your momentum.
And if you’re still with me, then I couldn’t be more excited to introduce you to my brand new signature list building system…

The step-by-step system for consistently adding up to 500 eager BUYERS

to your email list EVERY month (with ZERO ad cost)

I’ve spent nearly 5 years developing, testing and optimizing the most
complete, proven and FREE methods for generating a consistent flow of
qualified, ready-to-buy email subscribers.

Plus a treasure trove of checklists, cheat sheets and swipe files that hold your hand through every step needed to hit your first 1,500 email subscribers in just 12 short weeks… 

… while developing the deliverables and automated systems to add 500 new subscribers each month with almost NO EXTRA EFFORT.

Which as you’ll soon see, beats the heck out of the 5K, 10K and even 25K “subscriber” lists that other people in your industry boast about.

Because with List Builder’s Lab, we’re talking exclusively about engaged, QUALIFIED leads.

People who:

  • Light up every time your name appears in their inbox.
  • Become your brand evangelists, championing your material to everyone else they know who shares their problem.
  • Eagerly pull out their credit card the second you announce a new product launch.

The FULL List Builder’s Lab Training Course ($997 Value)

Priority access to all 5 Modules with downloadable videos, checklists & swipe files.

Step #1: Design a Solution-Driven Content Strategy

  1. Building a Bulletproof Foundation: Whether you’re just getting started or your business is in full swing, you’ll finally have a chance to lay down the powerful groundwork that makes list building & selling an absolute BREEZE.
  2. Identify & Implement the SUBTLE differences that separate a cold, unresponsive list of “contacts” and a warm, hyper-responsive list of “will-be” buyers.
  3. The 3 Methods for QUICKLY validating demand: You’ll learn how to make absolutely certain that there’s a market for “your thing” without spending more time than necessary with your “research cap” on.
  4. How to Authentically Position Yourself as the “Expert” and how to communicate the path that got you there in an authentic, sincere way that builds trust and likability.
  5. The 7 Things You Must Know About Your Audience BEFORE you get started: This is where I take your hand and lead you through some advanced (yet simple) strategies that go beyond just psychographics/demographics. Follow my lead, do the work, and you’ll be armed with a highly-actionable audience profile that magnetizes your audience to your brand, makes writing your copy much faster and easier, and allows you to quickly make up for any lost ground to competitors.


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