Andre Chaperon – ASM Alternative

Download Andre Chaperon – ASM Alternative

Firstly, I’m going to presume you’re at least interested in ‘Amazing Selling Machine’ by Matt Clark & Jason Katzenback.
With that said…
The other day I buzzed my buddy, Dave Tropeano on Skype.
I know he’s been selling physical stuff on Amazon for a while now (he also has a Kindle publishing company).
So asked him if he’s been through ‘Amazing Selling Machine’.
And if so, what were his thoughts on it.
We got chatting…
He told me about his experience with ASM. What he’s been doing on the Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) platform…
And what he’s learned since starting (the good, the bad, and the ugly).
I don’t want this email to drag on, so I’m gonna be really upfront and honest (err, well … I’m always ‘honest’).
Meaning, no sugar-coating.
I have no desire in putting down ASM in a low-blow attempt to flog my own stuff.
ASM has its flaws, like every product.
The first module is just intro. Dave said overall the course felt “slow” with a weekly drip-feed of the modules.
The last few modules he didn’t find very valuable (felt like filler).
With that said…
Dave’s words were, “The content in the middle – the how-to – was excellent and the advice was excellent.”
So overall the product is solid (see P.S. later on).
However, here’s a kicker…
It costs $3,497.
That’s not a small investment.
It gets worse.
Because this is a *real* business…
It requires buying stock.
Joining amazon as a seller costs $30/mo (the first month is free).
There’re shipping costs.
And to use Fulfillment by Amazon, they take a cut of each order.
You need a UPC barcode for each product line you sell (inexpensive if you know where to get them, but not free).
If you’re in the U.S. (and depending on what product you’re selling) you’ll probably want liability protection.
You could register an LLC (couple hundred bucks) or just set up a DBA (Doing Business As) which is free in some states.
Point is, all these costs add up (anywhere from around $300 to $1,000 to “set up shop”).
And that’s before you’ve sold a damn thing.
$3,497 + [costs: $300 to $1,000] = ready to do business
Following me so far?
Then during the conversation, Dave joked that he could “brain dump” everything you need to know about to make this work.
… in about 2 hours flat.
Wait one cotton-picking minute! …
I stopped him right there.
In 2 hours? … Are you sure?
42 minutes later I knew enough to be able to set up shop myself on Amazon…
Along with all the “hidden details”, you can only learn from the experience of actually doing this stuff.
Conceptually, selling goods on Amazon is really simple…

1. Join Amazon as a seller.

2. Use Fulfillment by Amazon for warehousing and fulfillment.

3. Find the product to sell.

4. Buy a quantity of it.

5. Send it to Amazon.

That’s it in a nutshell.

However, like with most things worth doing, the devil is in the details.

ASM is a solid product.
It’s expensive.
But, sure, in it, you’ll learn what you need to know to make this work.
Now here’s an alternative for you…
We (well, Dave actually because he’s the pro – I’ll just be there muted) will hold a private webinar.
It’ll be as long as it needs to take to “brain dump” EVERYTHING you need to know to make this work (we’re thinking 2 hours).
You’ll learn EVERYTHING you need to know to launch an e-commerce business online, powered by Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon).
… and you’ll learn it from someone who’s actually been doing this stuff, and earns a nice “sideline” income from it.

Worth: $399


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