Andre Chaperon – Lean Business For Creators

Download Andre Chaperon Lean Business For Creators.

Lean Business for Creators (Volume 1)

  • LBC (Lean Business for Creators) is for people who believe that obsessing over-serving and mattering to a small audience who care, is more important than chasing the next “shiny object” opportunity…
  • That being small (tiny even), is more important than chasing scale and revenue targets…
  • LBC is for people who want to create deep and meaningful work they’re proud of, for people who value that work enough to pay for it (and love it enough to tell others about).
  • I promise that engaging with the training and doing the hard work (it’s not easy work), will help you attract the people you seek to serve. And eventually, with the commitment of showing up to do this important work, you’ll earn an income from those customers who are the most committed.

ATTENTION: This “beta version” of LBC is perfect for early adopters. People who get excited about buying unfinished products because they want to be FIRST (get an early competitive edge). People who are willing to take a leap of faith and buy early.

I define an early adopter as someone who meets this criterion:

  • They have a problem or need,
  • They understand they have a problem,
  • They are actively searching for a solution and have a timetable for finding it,
  • The problem is so painful that they have cobbled together an interim solution (or have attempted to),
  • They have, or can quickly acquire, dollars to purchase the product to solve their problem.

Put simply, early adopters are those people who NEED THIS PRODUCT THE MOST.

The Product

The format of LBC (Volume 1) is mainly long-form text. If you don’t enjoy learning by reading, please don’t join. Don’t buy. This is not a video course.
In the majority cases I’ve experienced, I don’t believe video is respectful of your time and attention. Most people will take an hour to describe something which could have been said in 10 minutes or less.
Video has a place in learning — like showing how to do something that’s difficult to explain in the written format — which I embrace and support.
But video is also not well suited for reference. Most marketers create a video because it’s easier for them. Not because it’s a better learning medium for their students.
I’ve got a “voice” built for text, not video.
The written word done well is different. It’s beautiful and concise. There’s little waste. Either a word is needed to convey the thought or idea or insight, or it doesn’t get used.
This course is 93% written. Long-form.
The course content is *not* dripped out.
You’ll have access to it all. It’s self-paced. Meaning you can tear through it at a pace to match your schedule. That said, the goal isn’t to speed.
I get asked a lot, “how long does it take to complete ARM or SOI?”
That’s the wrong question to ask. Getting the gold star for completion isn’t the KPI that matters. We’re not back at school.

What matters is two-fold (and achieving this can vary wildly between students):

  • Comprehension (internalizing the ideas until they’re clear to you),
  • and execution (doing the work).

This isn’t a race.
It’s about doing the work and then getting a result. It’s about serving first, then earning money as a result.

Really A Marketing Course
At a meta-level, you’ll learn how to be a better marketer. You’ll learn a (strategic) skill that’s transferable to the marketing you already do, and the marketing you’ll do for years to come.
In LBC you’ll *not* learn how to do a product launch. That’s a tool, a tactic.
Rather: You’ll learn how to create empathy lead marketing that connects emotionally with the people you seek to serve.
You’ll learn how to move people from prospect to the customer because you’ve demonstrated you understand their problem, and have a solution they care about and want.
When you do this well, “selling” becomes superfluous. It’s a thing of beauty when you create an asset that behaves like this.

Worth: $450


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