Andrew Fox & Peter Parks – DNA Wealth Blueprint 3.0

Download Andrew Fox & Peter Parks – DNA Wealth Blueprint 3.0

DNA Wealth Blueprint 3.0  – The final installment of the trilogy that has been rated the #1 paid traffic course to CPA marketing from over 100 students….
”How I Sold $163 Million As An Elite Paid Traffic Expert And
Taught My Students The Same Formula- Check The Results For Yourself”

In 2 Years and 5 Months, DNA Wealth Blueprint V 1.0 and 2.0 have produced over

  • 125 , $10,000+ per month revenue generators
  • Seventy five –  $100,000+ per month income earners
  • Nine 7-figure per month income earners

100’s of student success stories from over 16 countries, 3 continents – a truly global opportunity that can be applied across 100’s if not 1000’s of industries.

Here’s what You Get:

Quick Start – Newbie to $3200 in Seven Days
Case Study  –  Peter takes a newbie  student behind the scenes and shows
you a full-blown case study of how he made $3200 dollars in three days

from scratch.
It’s literally laid out “step-by-step”.   You get to see the exact offer and why they selected it.
You get to see the landing page, you get to see how he split test the headlines,
Split test the images,
Split Test the landing Pages
How to builds out the campaign from scratch
How to optimize the campaign,
You get to see the traffic sources, he reveals everything in this case study.

Warning – You’re getting to see a very aggressive offer for a male enhancement product.
However, you get to see a very ‘behind-the-scenes’ look at the landing page and how this student angles the offer so it sells quickly. You get to see his blog where he sells multiple CPA offers, from skincare to supplements, to e-commence products. This is absolutely mind-blowing how he positions a multitude of CPA offers from one blog.

Breathtaking stuff!

Super Affiliate Tracking   -$100k >> $1 million >> $10 million and beyond

(Peter spent over $70,000  trying and testing out various “enterprise-level” software with most failing the test.
Below you get the results of his hard-earned dollars so you don’t have to spend your own)
Peter takes a behind-the-scenes approach and shows you exactly how the super affiliates think and track AND why you need to start thinking as the super affiliates do.
Why Sub ID’s Are Critical To Your CPA Campaigns And How To Set Them Up For Maximum Profitability (Can be the difference between a 22 ROI and over 140% R.O.I)

  • Which 5 key Sub IDs metrics are the key ones you really want to track. 99% of affiliates drop the ball on this aspect of tracking. (Here’s how you can leverage their mistakes to your own financial benefit)
  • “Step-by-step process” how to technically set up to sub IDs to help you profit right out of the gate.
  • Peter hates wasting ad spend, not even one penny if he can help it.
  • The #1 sub ID that you can track – Get this right and this could mean the difference between having a five-figure and 6 to 7 figure campaign or get this wrong and you could go bankrupt!
  • the KILLER sub ID to set up for mobile campaigns (where huge profits can be made)


Solar Panel Case Study – Top Affiliates Are Making Over $10,000 A Day
Watch as Peter takes you behind-the-scenes into one of the most controversial and passionate niches around.

  • How to become a master wordsmith that crafts ads that convert!
  • Discover the 5 key psychological reasons why many affiliates drop the ball in passionate controversial niches!
  • Learn the difference between demographics and psychographics and why it’s important that you need to understand both to succeed in CPA marketing!

Inside this Module Peter reveals

  • actual ad placements
  • actual banners
  • actual content-rich product landing page
  • Why you MUST use a very specific domain for your CPA offer and funnel or it can cost you $10,000’s in lost commissions!
  • NINJA TRICK – You’ll be introduced to a new targeting service that some very smart super affiliates are using and how you can get access to it as well!
  • You’ll also get a very powerful description of why keywords are very important with CPA marketing especially when it comes to media buys using this particular service!
  • This Meaty module is worth the investment in DNA 3.0 on its own – there’s only pure gold kept inside!


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