Anik Singal – The Profit Academy 2015

Download Anik Singal – The Profit Academy 2015

The crux of the product is to show people how to take their hobby or passion and turn it into a million-dollar online business. It’s appropriate for anyone from total newbie, to the budding online entrepreneur.
Since we appeal to newbies, we’ve had massive success in the past with lists outside the IM niche. Let’s face it, everyone is interested in making more money.

Profit Academy goes SSSOOO far beyond your standard info product, we’ve really gone all out. There will be weekly live webinars with Q&A sessions, constantly manned forums, weekly content released…

We have even hired a full-time coach just to look after these guys (I’m talking experienced coach, not just customer service), and if we hit our targets, we will be hiring another one! We’re really bringing content delivery to the next level!

Worth: $1,199


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