Black Hat Wizard – Cold Email Mastery

Download Black Hat Wizard – Cold Email Mastery

What you’re about to learn has landed me over of commissions & clients.

If you sell B2B products, this works.

This course will teach you

Scraping email addresses

Writing emails that get 4-10% of recipients on the phone

Building systems to automate your outreach

If you do not sell B2B services, do not buy this course.

3 years ago I began a marketing agency.

I had zero clients or money.

For the first 7 months I spammed mass cold emails.

Yeah, I got responses:


“You’re annoying”

“If you ever email me again I’m reporting you to the FTC”

Those days are long gone.

Now I know I can email any business owner, in any niche, and sell nearly any B2B product that delivers good results.

There are no “email blasts.”

There are no black hat methods into fooling people.

There is no magic software.

It’s a single fundamental I insert into every email.

And I don’t even think of sending without it.

I send less than 100 emails per week.

Sending any more would be too much.

Give me a cold email campaign with 200 recipients.

If you got 1 call, I’ll get 10.

If you got 2 calls, I’ll get 20.

By doing one thing.

Here’s what my students have sold with cold email

> Web Design


> Lead Generation

> Email Marketing

> Funnel Building

> Copywriting

> Influencer Marketing

> Blog Writing

> Freelancing

> App Development

> Social Media Marketing

> Consulting

> Videography/Photography

Here’s what you’re going to learn…

The only structure I use for writing cold emails.

Three follow ups to send those that don’t reply.

A full scraping course that will teach you how to scrape ecommerce, local, enterprise, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

The technical backend to setting up cold email campaigns.

Exactly what needs to be in your signature to get responses.

Sales strategies & funnels for signing clients.

How to use freelancers to collect & write emails for you.

Seven steps for never landing in the spam box.

Eight cold email sequences I’ve sent, their results, and the strategy behind them.

What’s Inside

Video – Introduction

Book – Cold Email Mastery

Video – Backend domain tech

Video – Warming up email addresses

Video – Writing scripts (with case studies)

Video – Writing scripts (without case studies)

Video – Writing personalized lines & hiring it out

Video – Scraping ecommerce stores

Video – Scraping enterprise contacts

Video – Optimizing campaigns

Free Bonus #1: Learn how to sell cold email as a service.

This added section to the ebook will teach you how you can get paid to make cold email campaigns for other people.

Free Bonus #2: Learn pricing strategy and sales tactics to sign more of your leads.

This section was added after seeing a lot of people get leads but have trouble on sales calls. While you might sometimes be able to sign clients without calls – all large deals will eventually require phone calls.

Free Bonus #3: CSV file of 1,092,671 Shopify stores categorized by monthly technology spend and vertical.

Using the tools shown in this eBook, you’ll learn how to find the owners’ & founders’ direct email addresses for all of these stores.

Got Questions?

Send me a DM on Twitter! @blackhatwizardd


What if I don’t have an online digital service to sell?

The good thing about this book is it will teach you a service you can sell. Cold email as a service. Companies will pay you to send cold email for them while they take the sales calls.

How long will it take to make money?

With absolutely no exaggeration, you can have a billion dollar CEO on the phone with you tomorrow prepared to sign a 4 or 5 figure contract. As long as you have a valuable service to deliver, this will work for you.

Is cold emailing legal?

Cold email is legal so long as it’s to business contacts.

What constitutes receiving a refund?

You have actually implemented the material, have not received support, and cannot get the results you’re looking for. Refunds for no reason are not given. This course is specifically for those who want to sign more clients, and plan on implementing.

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