Brian Dean – SEO That Works 2015

Brian Dean – SEO That Works 2015

How to get higher rankings with a step-by-step blueprint

  • Learn advanced link building and content promotion strategies
  • Watch real-life case studies of people achieving first page rankings
  • Follow a proven step-by-step SEO system

The Secret Behind Sites That Zoom to the First Page (And Actually Stay There)
Let me know if this has ever happened to you:
You’re checking out the first-page competition for one of your target keywords and you see 1, 2, or maybe even 5 sites that have no business ranking above you.
That’s when you think to yourself, “How did THEY manage to rank above me? My content and backlinks are SO MUCH better than theirs.”
Even though you don’t have x-ray vision to peek inside the inner workings of their business, you just KNOW that they’re generating high-paying clients, profitable product sales, and lucrative commissions around the clock.

And you think to yourself: “How can I do that?”.
That’s exactly why I’m writing to you today.
You see, when someone ranks on the first page of Google for a competitive keyword there’s no magic or luck involved.
You may not be able to see it, but there’s almost always something behind the scenes that propels them to the first page (and the landslide of traffic that a top ranking brings with it).
(In fact, there are actually 3 SEO secrets at work. I’ll reveal all 3 in a minute)

And That’s Exactly What I’m Going to Share With You Today
Once you understand these 3 secrets, generating traffic becomes as simple as following a step-by-step recipe.
Just follow the steps and you’re set.
Take a second and think about what it would be like to have a step-by-step plan for generating targeted traffic…
A plan that showed you how to publish content that you KNOW would rank for keywords that your customers search for every day.
A plan that handed you tested email scripts that you could send to influential bloggers and journalists…
…scripts that made them WANT to share your site with their readers.
That’d be pretty great, right?
Well with the right system in place, it’s possible.
Before I get into that, I want to answer the question that’s probably rattling around in your head right now:
“How did you figure all this out, Brian?”

It Wasn’t Easy (and it took more than 5 years)

But I’ve Developed an SEO Blueprint That Gets

Consistent Results…
Now that you’ve seen that SEO That Works gets results in nearly any industry or niche, it’s time to learn what you’ll get when you enroll today:

Module 1

Fast Track SEO Success
This module is all about putting you on the fast track to SEO success. You’ll learn how to rank a new site — or an existing site — in record time. These are the exact first steps I take whenever I launch a new site or take on a new client.

Here’s exactly what you’ll learn:

  • My #1 secret for creating the ONE type of content that people love to link to and share (and not just shares from anyone…shares and links from authority site owners in your niche).
  • The ONE thing you need to have on your site if you’re serious about generating backlinks, social shares, and referral traffic. I call it a “PP.” I’ve found that most sites that struggle can turn things around simply by adding a single PP to their site.
  • Why you should avoid long-tail keywords like the plague… and what keywords work much better.
  • The “weird” approach I use to get influential bloggers and journalists to share my content with their audience.

Module 2

How to Publish Content that Attracts Links, Traffic, and Customers
By the end of this module, you’ll be able to generate content that you can leverage for authority backlinks and targeted traffic over and over again. How? By tapping into my 7 proven Content Frameworks.

For example, I’ll show you:

  • The 7 “plug and play” Content Frameworks that I use to build links and drive traffic (including LOTS of real-world examples and case studies)
  • My step-by-step system for creating viral infographics. This system was the secret behind not one, not two, but SIX of my viral infographic campaigns (across several different industries).
  • How to use The Trademark Technique to generate buzz and establish yourself as one of your industry’s go-to experts.
  • The Crowdsourced Manual: My first Crowdsourced Manual has brought in over 60k unique visitors (and ranks above Search Engine Watch, Search Engine Land and Forbes for a very competitive keyword).

Module 3

How to promote your content and get backlinks from authority sites
You may remember that I mentioned that I was able to get links from national news outlets, online magazines, and leading industry blogs on demand…without any connections.

Here’s where you learn how to do the same thing.

Here are some of the things you’ll learn about in Module #3:

  • The dead-simple system for finding authority site owners that WANT to add your link to their site (it sounds crazy right now, but when you see it you’ll say: ” Why didn’t I think of that?”).
  • How I use Content Amplification to promote my content the right way (hint: this has NOTHING to do with posting on Facebook or Twitter).
  • The secret to email outreach that actually gets results (I give you over 20 proven, word-for-word email scripts)
  • The Applesauce Technique, and how it lands me authority links in every niche that I use it in (this works REALLY well).

Module 4

SEO Energizers
In the final module, I’ll unveil my secret stash of advanced on and off-page SEO strategies that get results (FAST). These are the same tactics I turn to whenever I need to give one of my sites a quick — but significant — boost.

These are a few of the things you’ll learn in this module:

  • Wet Clay Link Building — a technique that literally delivers link building opportunities to your inbox each and every day.
  • How to double the effectiveness of your on-page SEO with The W.A.G. Technique.
  • My exact, step-by-step process for finding easy white hat link opportunities within minutes.
  • Why The CTR Magnet Method drives more search engine traffic to your site within days (not weeks or months).

This is a Complete SEO System for Ranking

in Any Niche!

As you can see, SEO That Works is a comprehensive business training course that shows you EXACTLY what you need to do to get results.
How much do you think other business training courses like this tend to cost? $10,000? $8000? $7000?
I’ve shopped around and found that most of the other comprehensive, fluff-free business training courses out there cost at least $5,500.
And if you took a similar training as a college course, you know that would set you back AT LEAST $6000 (not to mention all the money you’d need to cough up on registration fees, books, and materials).
And I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that the course content in SEO That Works is head and shoulders above what you’ll find elsewhere (if you can even find it at all).

Then it’s Time to Take Your Game to a Whole

New Level
Because I want you to get nothing less than the mind-blowing value from the course, I’ve included a number of extra bonuses and advanced training in SEO That Works.
After you’ve finished the course itself — and are looking to master local SEO, PR or Social Media — these bonuses will hook you up.
I could easily sell these training sessions as a standalone course (they’re that good).
But I first and foremost want to make sure that SEO That Works is the best business training course on the market. Period.
That’s why I’ve included them at no extra cost to you.
Here’s a snapshot of what you’ll receive:

Session 1

Small Business PR Secrets
In this training, I’ve invited Ed Yang, who runs one of the most highly-respected PR firms on The West Coast.
To Ed, getting links from sites like Mashable, Tech Crunch, and The Huffington Post is just part of an average day’s work.
In fact, businesses from around the world — from the US to Japan — constantly knock on Ed’s door to ask him for his sage advice.
He’s that good. And in this no-holds-barred session, Ed will show you the exact steps to get your business on the radar screen of influential journalists in your industry… and get them to link to you from major media outlets, like CNN,, and
I can honestly say — with the industry secrets he spills — that this session alone is worth the course registration fee.

Session 2

Social Media Domination
I’ve invited one of the most influential people in the social media space — Ian Cleary — to unveil some of his best-kept traffic generation strategies.
You see, Ian is a social media puppet-master that’s able to drive traffic anywhere he wishes using his little-known — but extremely powerful — social media secrets.
And in this no-fluff, filler-free interview, Ian will show you how you can do the same thing for your site.
After the session, you’ll have a laundry list of super-practical, useful insights that you can apply to your website to get more traffic from social media within minutes.

Session 3

Local SEO Mastery
If you’re an agency that wants to add a profitable service for clients or a small business that wants more customers, mastering Local SEO is an absolute must.
But when you research how to rank in Google+ Local (also known as Google Places), it’s a minefield of conflicting and confusing information.

That’s why I invited Adam Steele, founder of one of the most sought-after local SEO firms in North America, to reveal the exact process he uses to rank his legal, dentist and plumber businesses to the top of Google+ Local.

Even I was surprised at some of the strategies and techniques he leaked in this training session (they’re internal strategies that are usually kept secret by Adam and his tight-lipped staff).

Session 4

How To Turn Traffic Into Customers

If you’ve ever wondered: “How can I turn traffic into leads and sales?” then this talk with Rich Page is for you.

I don’t need to tell you that it’s easier to double your conversions than double your traffic.

But how?

I invited Rich because he wrote the book on conversion rate optimization (literally). Not only that, but Rich has helped massive companies like Adobe turn more of their traffic into paying customers.

In this video, he unveils some of his closely guarded conversion secrets. This is one video you don’t want to miss.

Session 5

Outsourcing Secrets

Bryan Harris built his online video business from zero to 6-figures in 9 months. His client list includes names like Gary Vaynerchuk, Noah Kagan, and HubSpot.

Even though Bryan is a hard-working guy, there’s no way he could do it alone. In fact, he outsources a good chunk of his business to freelancers around the globe.

Unlike many people that outsource tasks, he never stresses about missed deadlines or flaky freelancers. In this training session, Bryan will take you behind the scenes of his thriving business and show you his air-tight, step-by-step outsourcing process.

Worth: $699


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