Brian Kurtz – Titans of Direct Response

Brian Kurtz – Titans of Direct Response

Two days’ worth of the most powerful, profitable direct marketing principles, strategies, and immediately useful tactics — this will change your business and your life…

Get the recordings NOW from what Dan Kennedy called “THE Event of the Decade”…

The Titans of Direct Response
This Is Your Chance To Be A “Fly on the Wall” For This Historic Event – Today’s greatest direct marketing entrepreneurs and copywriting legends came together for the FIRST and LAST time to reveal their most powerful business-building secrets…
Now you can enjoy every presentation from the comfort of your home or office – with original bonus materials totaling over 1,000 printed pages PLUS more than 8 hours of audio content, all pure direct marketing gold!
Get today’s most powerful thinking from these Titans of Direct Response… Who came together for the first — and likely last — time under one roof… To share their go-to strategies for building a financially- and personally-rewarding, multi-million dollar direct response business TODAY…

Dan Kennedy
Famous for his NO B.S. books and newsletters influencing one million business owners every year. Legendary direct marketing strategist and one of the highest-paid copywriters, with fees upwards from $75,000 plus royalties.

Gary Bencivenga
Hailed as “America’s Best Copywriter.” Only spoke publicly one time, at his own retirement seminar. Vowed never to speak again. The Titans of Direct Response is his first and only exception…

Greg Renker
Guthy|Renker co-founder. Once a DRTV pioneer, now a world-leading direct response titan, known for brands like Proactiv, Principal Secret, and Tony Robbins’ Personal Power.

Jay Abraham
He’s created $9.4 billion in bottom-line growth for clients and has 15,000 success stories across 465 different industries. One of America’s foremost business thinkers.

Ken McCarthy
The bridge between “old school” direct response and “new school” online marketing.  For over 20 years, his training like the System Seminar has been THE top place to go to get an Internet marketing education.

Perry Marshall
The engineer-turned-marketer who “cracked the code” on Google AdWords and Facebook advertising, Perry is also the new go-to guy on applying the 80/20 Rule in sales and marketing.

Joe Sugarman
The man who sold over 20 million BluBlockers Sunglasses by mail order and that just scratches the surface. Pioneer in every selling media for over four decades.

Fred Catona
Direct response radio titan who helped grow to $20 billion valuations in 18 months. Also behind radio success of Disney Online and Free Credit, among others.

The Most Powerful Direct Response Principles, Strategies,

And Up-To-The-Minute Tactics YOU Can Use Immediately

To Sell More, Profit More, and

Build a Titan-Level Direct Response Business…

(These Lessons Apply in Any Media, in Any Market…)

If You Want To Succeed In Direct Marketing,

You Have To Do More of What Works,

And Less Of What Doesn’t…

It’s simple enough, but it’s profound… Sure, we can test. And any direct response marketer worth their salt is an avid tester. No matter what business we’re in, or what media we use.

But entire tests can be won by knowing in advance, “Do this, not that.”

  • If you’re a business owner, knowing what works leads to substantially less marketing waste, and bigger winners with your hits… With that, a business that runs better, gives you more income, and leaves you with more free time to enjoy your good fortune in whatever way you please…
  • If you’re a marketer, this means more wins on your scorecard… Leading you to faster promotions, bigger opportunities, and the ability to write your own ticket…
  • And if you’re a copywriter, bigger winners are your keys to the kingdom… Leading to fat royalty checks, your choice of A-list direct marketing clientele, and a reputation as a “god” of direct marketing…

How to Achieve Titan-Level Success!
I’ve spent 34 years in this business, helping build one of the world’s top direct response publishers to $150 million in annual revenue.
I’ve seen too many marketers come and go — careers, profits, and businesses flare up and fizzle out (sometimes ending in deep financial despair).
And I’ve seen a few who’ve endured as long as my career. Folks who used direct marketing to not only build their personal fortunes but do amazing things. Connect with, meet, and work alongside some of the world’s most brilliant and influential people. To invent and create a life of abundance for themselves far beyond most folks’ wildest hopes and dreams.
Personally, I’ve dined with world leaders, industry transformers, Nobel Prize winners, and yes, the greats of direct response marketing. I hesitate to list them because I will just as surely offend those omitted as honor those I include.
I’ve become a leader in our field. And connected with many of the greats — not just as colleagues, but as personal friends.
And when I decided I wanted to do the impossible — bring all these greats together under one roof, one time only, to share their secrets…

I managed to get all these Titans to say yes!

(Including folks who have turned down “blank check” speaking offers.)

This wasn’t an accident.

  • For the last 34 years, I’ve lived my life and built my career on the premise that it’s better to give than to get. That it’s better to be generous in business and life than to always come out on top.

Has it ever come back to bite me? Sure. But by giving 100% and expecting nothing in return, I’ve been able to get pretty much everything I ever wanted from life and a whole lot more.

This isn’t just “self-help” — it’s a marketing principle to apply in offers, a business principle for negotiations, a life principle to be used every day.

Throughout my opening address at Titans, I shared real-life stories of how to apply this lesson in your life and business.)

But that’s just the beginning because in my presentation you’ll also discover…

  • Why helping your competitors get rich may be the single-best way to succeed in business…
  • The “one-pitch” method… Mariano Rivera — the best closer in baseball — reveals unexpected lessons for business…
  • Dead, bloody moose on the conference room table reveals: How to make any meeting more productive…
  • Demonstration: Fast, easy way to overcome objections works in almost any selling situation…
  • The “experience” secret — why some people spin their wheels for their entire career… And how YOU can set yourself on a certain path to becoming a Titan (of ANYTHING!)…
  • How to get everything you want by giving away all your best… (In helping competitors, to clients, to the public, in marketing… everywhere!)
  • The “Vince Lombardi” secret you can use to be a better boss, now — and make your team play like Super Bowl champions…
  • Football parable reveals the master key to becoming an untouchable champion… How Jerry Rice embarrassed my friend, former NFL safety Bo Eason, at 49ers training camp (and every other player on the field) — plus the one-sentence “excuse” Rice gave for his behavior that revealed how he became “the best player in the history of football”…
  • Bust this popular “happiness” myth and you’ll be more content with your life than everyone you know… (A lesson from a Unitarian minister — first revealed in a 1932 book on Education
  • How to make friends with Nobel Prize winners (and other amazing people)…
  • THINK — “There is no no” — achieving impossible goals is suddenly possible using this simple saying (the right way)…
  • Sherlock Holmes’s most valuable quality (NOT exceptional intelligence) that you can steal — NOW — catapults you to copywriting, marketing, and total business success…
  • A simple formula: Dream + Optimism + Measurement = Direct Marketing Success… (Don’t overlook this because it’s “fluffy” — discover how it was applied to generate OVER $300,000 PER DAY in direct response revenue!)
  • How to generate unlimited POWERFUL, PROFITABLE ideas…
  • The simplest way to get the essence of every important book you’d love to read (but don’t have the time to) in minutes instead of hours…
  • Tiny, pointless things that make all the difference for making millions in direct response…
  • How to use the secrets of “Consequential Thinking” to boost response to your next direct mail effort (or your next PLF product launch, or VSL, or infomercial, or…)
  • The secret to eliminating objections (before they occur)…
  • “Logic Lines” — this simple test determines if your copy is dead in the water (if you can ask one simple question, you can stop failing copy before it mails — also works for other ideas in business)…
  • Attract success by being “dumb” — or, how to use people smarter than you to build your business…
  • Why many of the smartest YOUNG direct marketers in the world came from as far away as Dubai, Thailand, and Australia for Titans — and what that says about the direct mail dinosaurs who took the stage…
  • A simple formula for surrounding yourself with the smartest, most successful, most amazing people you could ever hope to (or not even hope to) know…
  • Why Mentors Matter — can you become a Titan at anything without standing on the shoulders of other Titans? Maybe… But I wouldn’t risk it! (Here’s what kind of mentor you should be paying the most attention to…)
  • The Rear Admiral whose life was saved by telling him to get a colonoscopy — NOT a joke — the lesson in this story was the secret to gaining over 4 million HAPPY customers…
  • Are you a “life-saver”? This greater mission approach to business attracts success, fast…
  • Stupid little things that save lives (and how these can be used to make the world’s best copywriters — or anyone else — fall in love with you)…
  • Try this if you’re having trouble getting clients, customers, contacts, or friends to respond to your emails — works especially well for PROSPECTS…
  • “Life is long” — a handful of lessons from these three simple words (for business success AND a happy life)…

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