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Bushra Azhar – Sold Out Launch

Bushra Azhar – Sold Out Launch

Even if you have taken a zillion other courses (& never finished any)
Even if you know you have seen & done it all (with no results)
Even if you have 2 hours a day to work on your launch (& no budget to hire a coach, mentor, designer, *insert another so-called must-have* )
Even if you think the internet is a dirty messy place that only favors the BIG GUNS (& you are decidedly NOT a big gun or ANY gun)
Consumer Psychology + 80:20 Launch Rule + Behavioral Leverage = Sold Out Launch

This is How Sold Out Launch Works….

  • Consumer PsychologyKnowing exactly what makes people buy and not tip-toe around your buyers for months building an email list, giving value & not making money. The idea is to ditch the advice of creating a list of subscribers and instead create a list of buyers from the get-go. More than 20% of my own email list are buyers and this is exactly what I preach in SOL..because guess what? We want people to see you as a book shopped not a library where they can get free information and never open their wallet EVER.
  • 80:20 Launch RuleUsing the shortest most effective path to launching so that you don’t spend hours (weeks, months…even years) planning, wondering & losing your mind. Instead, you can just use this plug and play system with the tech, graphics, email, social media posts, sales page templates heck even your ads..and just transplant it in your launch. No thinking, wondering, second-guessing yourself, no need to invest 10 grand for a coach, custom website, or mastermind. Just trusting the system, taking actions that GET results and making lots of money…all in one fell swoop
  • Behavioral LeverageMy unique and kinda lunatic Systematic Stalking Initiative coupled with SOL Hall of Fame tactic that allowed 41% of SOL graduates to get their programs up and running in less than 4 months. I don’t know of any online program (heck even COACHING program) that promises such results. As one SOLer described it “It was like you were running after me urging me to get to the finish line, sometimes lovingly, sometimes fiercely..but always there” THAT is behavioral leverage and THAT is what gets people to launch and sell out in 35 days

This is NOT a Drill. Sold Out Launch Works…and it Gets Sales

every single thing you need to hack your buyer’s brain, create no-proof offers that sell themselves & get you sold out in 90 days

I am Bushra and I am not a hotshot (but I play that on the internet)

I have worked on 25+ online launches and about a dozen offline launches of big-name brands and after the first dozen, I developed a loose system of LAUNCHING that matches the launch with the psychology of the buyer. It has served me and my clients REALLY well.

I have made $2M+ dollars in less than 3 years working mostly part-time and no, I have not made this money doing launches telling people how to do launches. Here are some other results:

1. Worked with 7,000+ people

2. Sold 10,000+ courses

3. Wrote a book and sold 22,000 copies in 6 months without anyone else promoting me and became an international #1 Bestelling author in multiple categories

4. Launched my first course and sold 320 packages in 2 weeks

5. Launched my membership site and sold 400 memberships in 28 days

6. I have the distinct pleasure of selling out my courses in a couple of days after launch…I don’t even know why I set a cart-close day…it’s defunct!

7. Helped my client J sell out her program in THREE days and make $22,765 on her very first launch and with an email list of 1,200 people.

8. Helped my client L sell $750K worth of programs in a month

9. Have an online course with a completion rate of 92% (vs industry average of 5%) and a success rate of 46% (vs undisclosed  but probably minuscule industry percentages)

Worth: $1,199


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