Dave Kaminski – YouTube Video Ads For Regular People

Dave Kaminski – YouTube Video Ads For Regular People

What’s The Fastest, Easiest and Cheapest Way To Get Traffic To Your Website?

What You Get:

Everything About Video Ad Setup
This is probably the most confusing part of running video ads on YouTube. There are multiple things you have to set up and hook together. And there are multiple options (that YouTube doesn’t explain very well) that you need to configure as well. So this is going to be the nuts-and-bolts part of the training. Where instead of letting you get frustrated and confused as hell with Google/YouTube apps, I’m going to show you exactly what to do, step by step. No confusion. You’ll set things up EXACTLY as I show you and be golden. I can’t understate the importance of what I’ll be sharing with you here. It’s the difference between knowing what the hell you’re doing and being lost and clueless.

Everything About Making Video Ads
Okay, I’ve already made it clear that all you really need to create video ads is a smartphone. But even then, you’re going to have tech questions. And since I’m the video guy, I’m going to answer all of your tech questions here. I’ll tell you to want to use it, how to use it, and how to make your video ads in minutes instead of hours or days. But what’s even more important is the STYLE of your video ads. That means what you’re saying and showing and in what order. So I’m going to detail the battle-proven formats to use for your video ads. That means you’re not going to have to guess at what type of videos to make. I’m going to show you want types of videos to make, all step by step.

Everything About Ad Targeting
This is the most important part of running YouTube ads. Targeting means deciding who specifically will see your ads on YouTube. And if you get this wrong, your ads will simply be a waste of time and money. I’m going to make sure you get it right. Many people think that Facebook is the king of hyper-focused ad targeting and that YouTube’s targeting is weak in comparison. Good, let people keep thinking that. It will keep the competition low on YouTube. Because the truth is that YouTube offers laser-focused ad targeting as well. You just have to know how to do it. And that’s exactly what I’m going to teach you in this section. How to deliver your videos ads to the best audience, at the lowest cost, and for the highest conversions.

Everything About Troubleshooting
Here’s a dose of honesty for you. Not every YouTube video ad you run will be successful. You’re not going to knock it out of the park every time. You’re going to have minimal successes before you have big successes. And eventually, even your best ads will stop performing well (though successful YouTube ads can run a lot longer than successful Facebook ads). So in this section, I’m going to show you how to troubleshoot what’s gone wrong. Was it something with your ad or something with your targeting? I’ll show you how to know, what to do, and how to move forward so you can get back to running dirt-cheap and profitable video ads.

Everything You Need To Know For Creating and Running Profitable YouTube Video Ads Is Included
And without any bullsh**.
You’re busy. The last thing you probably want to do is spend the next month going through a course, swearing at your computer, while still not being able to figure out how to get a single YouTube video ad up and running.
That’s not going to happen with YouTube Video Ads For Regular People.
Straight up, I’m simply going to show you what to do and how to do it…so you can have your first profitable YouTube video ad up and running as fast as possible.
How fast? Everyone is different. But even if you’re the perfect storm of super-busy, super-lazy, and super-distracted, you should have your first video ad running in less than a week with my training.
Everything you need to know and do is in the training. It’s all there, laid out for you step by step.
Just follow what I teach and you’ll quickly discover that everything I’ve said here is true…that YouTube video ads are far and away from the fastest, easiest, and cheapest way to bring traffic to your website…traffic than turns into leads and customers.

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