Derek Halpern – Blog That Convert 2.0

Derek Halpern – Blog That Convert 2.0

How to Get Your First 5,000 Subscribers
The exact strategy you can use to get your first 5,000 subscribers (or at least another 5,000 subscribers)
A case study on how I generated tens of thousands of new visitors with one single blog post.
A simple, yet effective technique for getting links from major media outlets And more
If you’re ready to get serious about building a blog that fuels your business, then you made the right choice by investing in this training.
We tore apart Blog that Converts 1.0 because we knew we could make it even better. Times have changed, and there are new strategies and tactics that can help you build an audience and then sell them some stuff. And I share all of it inside the NEW Blog that Converts 2.0.

A Few Housekeeping Items…
Read through each of the housekeeping items below before you begin the training:

1. How to Contact Blog that Converts Support
If you have account problems, payment problems, or any other questions about Blog that Converts, the BEST way to reach Blog that Converts support is to email [email protected]
We’ll answer your questions as quickly as we can. But since a new class just rolled in, response times may be slightly longer than normal. You can expect a response within a couple of hours as long as your email is sent during support hours, which are Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Eastern.

2. Why you MUST confirm your email address
You should have received 3 emails from me. One with your login information, one receipt, and one asking you to confirm your email address.
You MUST confirm your email address. That’s how I’ll communicate with you about new modules and more!
Additionally, you might want to whitelist the email address [email protected].
All emails will come from that email, so make sure it’s whitelisted.

3. How to join the Social Triggers Mastermind Community
Now that you’re a member of Blog that Converts, I suggest you join our private Facebook community.
Join the Social Triggers Mastermind Community Here Three things to note:

First, if your name on Facebook doesn’t match your Blog that Converts membership, send an email to support to let us know.
Second, this is an opportunity for you to get help from your peers with your business. That means, there should absolutely be NO SELLING or PROMOTING yourself inside this private group.
I want this group to feel like a safe place for people who are looking to grow their audience and business. I don’t want people to worry about ulterior motives.
Third, if you have a question for the Blog that Converts 2.0 support team, the best way to reach us is through [email protected]. Yes, I will be inside this group, as will my support team, but the best way to reach us is through our official support channel.
Note: Your membership in Blog that Converts is subject to our Terms & Conditions. If we feel like you’re acting inappropriately, we reserve the right to revoke your access.

4. A quick and simple survey for new customers
Now that you’re part of the Blog that Converts community, complete this quick and simple survey.
It’s vital because it will help me get to know you better AND help you start setting some goals for this training.
Take the survey right here.

5. The Class Schedule
Now that we handled some housekeeping items, here is the class schedule for you:

Week 1 – Operation Quick Start

Week 2 – The Content Gameplan

Week 3 – Advanced Strategies (and Action Week)

Week 4 – Your Audience (And 7 Promotional Strategies)

Week 5 – Advanced Strategies (and Action Week)

Week 6 – The Money Module (How to Turn Your Audience Into Revenue)

Week 7 – Sales Strategy Breakdowns

Week 8 – Bonus Modules: Take Your Business And Audience To The Next Level

6. The charge on your credit card statement
The charge on your credit card statement will be from Social Triggers.


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