Greg Jacobs – Mage Omega X

Download Greg Jacobs – Mage Omega X

Kick You Off The Fence

Private Q+A with Greg

In this very short and informative Q+A sessions with Greg-  He goes and answers ALL of your lingerings

questions about MageOmega and KICKS you off the Fence

MageOmega is the Greatest Opportunity that has come along since you have been digging deeper into Internet Marketing and eCommerce.  Whether you are an accomplished “eCom” wiz or just getting started, MageOmega passes “the Mom Test”  – meaning that the training is structured a way that even Greg’s Mom can get going and be successful.

Do I need Web Hosting for MageOmega?
No – You do not.  We use a Funnel-Builder Shopping cart which does all of the Web-hosting and payment processing all in one.   If you have existing web hosting already you can use it for offshoot businesses.  However, it is not required for your core Mage Business

If I have an existing eCom/Shopify/Amazon Business?
That is great- what often happens is people that have existing businesses will join MageOmega and use our Funnels to drive traffic and get a quick profit and boost to their existing setups.  Typically when people move their products over from Shopify to a MageOmega funnel they will see 2x-4x return on the same traffic.   REAL PROOF, REAL RESULTS.

How Fast Will I earn Money?
Everything depends on YOU implementing the Done For You that we provide with MageOmega. If you implement it, then nothing will happen.  However that being said, we have had students that have joined and FOLLOWED THE DIRECTIONS and been earning withing as little as 3 days.   How is that for REAL RESULTS!

How Do Customers Feel about Fulfillment Via Dropshipping
We look at Dropshipping as a way to rapidly deploy and test products.  Once we have a “Winner”  we move away from the Dropshipping model so that we have more control over the process.  Details on this in the training.     But to answer the specific question – as long as we are upfront at the beginning with our customers, we have never experienced any major issues and the Passive profits continue.

What is MageOmegaX?

Mage OmegaX is a package of an application and a lot of instructional sessions to help marketers boost profits.

Greg Jacobs will be your teacher throughout the course. He has presented a lot of business strategies and methods so that you can use them in many kinds of funnels right away.

Feature details

Mage Omega is divided into 11 main sections, each of which will be a video about a topic:

  1. Overview

This part of training introduces the method used to set up things such as domain name, business email, Cloudflare, payment processor, shopping cart, SMTP setup.

  1. MageFunnels did for you

The vendor has provided 4 premade funnels so that you can customize and use it right away.

  1. Technical chops: things like how to set up your cart, payment processing, and email address
  2. MageWave Beta: This is Facebook training for starters. Set up the funnels and finish this course to step to the next level!
  3. Get your first sales: there are 4 small sessions in these modules, all of which are about product research and targeting, setup, and price hacking…
  4. Fulfill customer orders: a method to dropship with AliExpress. Straight right to the point.
  5. Funnel versus traditional eCom: the module will show the advantages of both methods, however, funnels have some points that traditional eCom cannot pass by.
  6. Product research: niche research and how to pick a good product
  7. Graduate and scale: how to dropship perfectly and selling your products easily
  8. Live webinars recordings
  9. Over the shoulder series

The training goes through almost all problems one may have to deal with when doing business online, or e-commerce to be exact. These 11 modules will take you by hand and show you what to do to claim profits.

Worth: $799


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