Jeff Walker – Product Launch Formula 2019

[Download] Jeff Walker – Product Launch Formula 2019 (WORTH: $1,997)

What is Product Launch Formula 2019?
Product Launch Formula 2019 is a COMPLETE A-Z Training Course guiding both Internet Marketing Newbies AND Seasoned Marketers to having their first (or multiple) online product launches in just about ANY niche.
Jeff’s events are always super high-value and high-impact — he’s never charged less than $5,000.00 to $25,000.00 for them… and the people have always left those events thinking they got 10x the cost.
However, Product Launch Formula Live is even MORE exclusive… because you CAN’T BUY A TICKET. The only way to get in is if you’re a Product Launch Formula Owner… and even then, you’re not guaranteed a spot until you register (they simply don’t have enough space to fit everyone and there’s a ton of PLF Owners who make a pilgrimage to Arizona every single year).
And it’s NOT just Product Launch Formula Owners at the event… you’ll also be rubbing shoulders with some of the absolute elite of the Product Launch Formula & IM world.

PLF Core Training
In this section, you get the Introduction to Product Launch Formula, the Product Launch Formula Roadmap where you learn how the course is laid out, what you’re going to learn and when you’re going to learn it! You also get a TON of Downloadable Resources like the videos, executive summaries, transcripts, and MP3’s for all the lessons in PLF Core.

What will you learn in the Product Launch Formula?

  • Module 1
    This first module is all about the core strategies and tactics of the Product Launch Formula. Even if you got nothing else from this course, you could still build a thriving business just with what you’ll learn here about how to build powerful relationships with your prospects and clients.
  • Module 2
    In Module 2, you get 15 training sections that let you take the work from Module 1 and begin to develop your Launch Theme and Launch Story.
  • Module 3
    In this 12 part module, you’ll learn about two VERY important types of launches; the Seed Launch and Quick launch.
  • Module 4
    This 19 PART module goes heavily into The Internal Launch – this is the classic sideways sales letter style launch that’s specific to your list.
  • Module 5
    This module is all about you creating killer prelaunch content that will set you up for an amazing launch. In this module, Jeff is going to take you step-by-step through actual prelaunch content from some hugely successful launches. He’ll show you what works and what doesn’t, so you’ll know exactly how to apply these strategies to your own launch.
  • Module 6
    In this 13 portion module, Jeff goes over sales videos, and again takes real sales videos and goes through them individually.
  • Module 7
    Surprise! This is a special bonus module all about the Evergreen launch broken down into 10 individual lessons.
    As you’ve no doubt figured out by how the modules are organized – you’ll start with simple, core work in your PLF training. As you nail that down you’ll move into the details and how it applies to your actual launch.
  • Plus, you already have access to the Launch Your List bonus course, and you’ll get access to the Product Creation Course a bit later. By the way – the above modules/lessons from the MAIN course only. It’s got well over 50 individual lessons but I opted to not list them as I’m trying to keep this review SOMEWHAT short LOL.

Besides the MAIN training above, you ALSO get access to a TON of additional bonus training and content which I’ll go into below.

You not only get access to the amazing training I’ve outlined above, BUT you get a ton of amazing BONUS content as well! By the way – these are NOT cheesy little 5-minute bonus videos or cheat sheets – each of these could be sold as it’s OWN individual product, and you’ll see why below:

>>> Bonus #1: Niche Selection

One of the biggest questions Jeff gets asked by people just starting out is, “How do I choose a niche?”
That’s why he interviewed Clay Collins in this 52-minute video, who is an expert in helping people find a niche to help get you started.
This is an interview where I’m sure you’ll find some good nuggets of information that will help simplify and take the mystery out of selecting a target market.

Video Run Time: 52 Minutes

>>> Bonus #2: Launching Your Email List (Full Product)

This is RIDICULOUS. Once again Jeff OVER-DELIVERS with this BONUS. Seriously, I’d pay over $500 for this module ON IT’S OWN and it’s yours for FREE with your PLF purchase.

There are MANY solid hours of training here, plus PDF content, homework, even downloadable summary’s of the course to study away from your PC. In my opinion, this course is JUST as good as any full Email Marketing List, like Build my List, for example.

NEEDLESS to say – this is a massive course on its OWN – and Jeff could EASILY sell it for $500 if not $1,000 but it’s yours for FREE with your PLF Purchase.

>>> Bonus #3: Swipe Files

You know this is one of those things that many people simply WON’T realize the sheer value and power of having access to. This module is a break down of video and email swipe files from previous PLF Launches, AND some AMAZING examples of previous PLF Student’s OWN launches in niches like:

  • Tennis
  • Dog Agility
  • Internet Marketing Products
  • Quick Launch did during tax season (for refund commissions)
  • Romance
  • Copywriting
  • Email Marketing
  • Massage Therapy
  • Stock Trading
  • Copywriting
  • Photoshop Tutorials
  • Various hobbies
  • And more

>>> Bonus #4: Product Creation Code (Full Product)

This is ANOTHER full product – it’s called the “Product Creation Formula” course and goes more into – you guessed it – product creation? This consists of 24 individual lessons, which I’ve decided AGAINST listing out since I’m probably boring you with too many words by now. ?

Anyways, the 24 lessons are broken up into 5 unique modules:

  • Getting Started
  • Phase 1: Product Creation Foundations
  • Phase 2: Product Creation Strategy
  • Phase 3:Product Creation Formats and Tools
  • Next Steps

This is a GREAT addition to the main PLF course – but in all honesty, you’ll learn EVERYthing here and MORE in the main training Product Launch Formula has to offer.

Worth: $1,997


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