Jesse Jameson – Messenger Marketing Pro

Download Jesse Jameson Messenger Marketing Pro

INSTANTLY Connect With YOUR Dream Clients to Make More Money and Never Run Out of Fresh Prospects to Talk to Ever Again!


Details of exactly what we’re going to cover in every module
* 50 Videos – 5.5 Total Hours of Training – Easy to Consume & Implement *

The required foundation to Facebook Messenger Marketing before we get into strategy & set-up.
This foundation ensures you play by the ‘messenger rules’ to create an unlimited amount of laser-targeted prospects to talk to.

MODULE 2: Messenger Marketing Primer(5 videos  •  43 min 26 sec)
We explore the next great marketing medium (Messenger Marketing) and what it can do for your business FAST.
We take you down the path to find YOUR target audience on Facebook, and how to turn them into customers for your business via FB Messenger.

MODULE 3: ManyChat High-Level Overview(6 videos  •  29 min 04 sec)
ManyChat – simple steps to unleash the ManyChat ‘bot’ to do a LOT of the heavy lifting for you.
We go over the branding and pro features, configuring messenger on your Facebook page, and the ManyChat dashboard, audience screen, and live chat screen.

MODULE 4: Growing Your Messenger List(11 videos  •  56 min 08 sec)
Discover the powerful ManyChat features, including growth tools and widgets to grow and scale your Facebook Messenger Subscriber List.

Learn about FB messenger scan codes, the FB comment growth tool, how to connect these growth tools to your website, and so much more!

MODULE 5: Generating Leads With Messenger(2 videos  •  16 min 43 sec)
This is the most effective, simplest, and fastest way to generate ready-to-buy leads for your business with FB Messenger using ‘ads.’

(don’t worry, these ads won’t cost you a dime because they never actually go ‘LIVE’… shhh, it’s our little secret)

MODULE 6: Message Broadcasting(2 videos  •  15 min 17 sec)
You are now building a ‘Messenger Subscriber List’ that is similar to an autoresponder because you can send broadcasts to your subscribers.

However, this is 9x more effective because your Messenger Subscribers will actually see your message! This broadcasting feature can make you a fortune.

MODULE 7: Messenger Automation(10 videos  •  54 min 17 sec)

AUTOMATION! ALL of the ManyChat Bot powerful automation features revealed including auto-posting, default reply messages, welcome messages,
keyword triggers, complete message sequences, and simulated conversations with your prospects… all on complete autopilot!

MODULE 8: Using Tags in Manychat(1 videos  •  8 min 50 sec)

The tags feature allows you to include specific people and exclude specific people in your message broadcasts,
which allows you to get even more specific, congruent, and targeted with your messenger marketing for even better results!

MODULE 9: Creating Messages in Manychat(3 videos  •  23 min 25 sec)
One of the most important aspects of messenger marketing is the chat messages you create.
We expose the highest converting messages to get your prospects to click, join your messenger subscriber list, and buy your stuff!

MODULE 10: ManyChat Settings(2 videos  •  13 min 30 sec)
We give you the best ManyChat settings to make sure your ManyChat bot and messenger marketing runs like a well-oiled machine.
Finally, create ultimate leverage & time freedom in your business starting today!

MODULE 11: Testing in Manychat(1 video  •  6 min 35 sec)
Before you go LIVE with your ManyChat bot and messenger marketing, we walk you through the proper testing protocol.
We want to make sure you are ready for the flood of fresh prospects who will want to talk to you.

MODULE 12: Facebook Messenger Ads and Audiences(2 videos  •  11 min 45 sec)
We walk you through creating your first messenger ad and creating Facebook messenger ‘custom audiences’…
This could be the most powerful module of the entire course because the potential to grow your income with the information in this module is UNLIMITED.

MODULE 13: Working With Custom Fields(2 videos  •  19 min 48 sec)

Custom fields allow you to customize the messages & broadcasts you send to your messenger subscribers.

This personalization and customization is a key ingredient to build the know, like, and trust factor to produce more sales with your messenger marketing.

MODULE 14: Bonus Trainings(1 video  •  7 min 05 sec)
A companion ‘bot platform’ to help make your AI chatbot experience amazing for all of your messenger subscribers.
Your ability to instantly engage with your target audience on Facebook via messenger is going to help you close more sales than you ever dreamed possible.

Worth: $799


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