Justin Sardi – Video Ads Crash Course 2.0

Download Justin Sardi – Video Ads Crash Course 2.0 Free

Traffic Breakthrough: Laser Targeted Video Trafficat Only 1 Cent Per View, GUARANTEED!
Watch Below As This Secret System Gets You A Steady Stream Of Hot Leads With YouTube Videos… And Can Be Generating Sales For You In Under 1 Hour
Get MASSIVE Amounts of Targeted Views to Your Videos – or Clients’ Videos – With This Simple Yet Revolutionary System.
Trying to drive tons of views to your videos isn’t nearly as easy as the gurus make it seem, is it?

It’s often really stressful, and perhaps that has gotten the best of you at times. Maybe you have:

  • Tried getting views on your YouTube videos using organic traffic or video ads.
  • Created, edited, and uploaded countless videos, hoping enough content would do the trick.
  • Used your own social profiles to drive friends and family towards your videos.
  • I wanted to use retargeting but aren’t sure how to go about it the right way.
  • “Thought” about using videos to grow your business while feeling unsure where to start.

… and they all left you with frustrating results that didn’t meet your needs.

Don’t Worry! There is Good News…
Hey there, my name is Justin Sardi and yes, I know exactly how you’re feeling.
It is frustrating when you run into roadblocks. Figuring it all out can be overwhelming. Luckily, with what I’m about to show you, you will have the knowledge to get dirt cheap targeted traffic and know-how to point out that traffic anywhere you want to make money. Follow in the success I have created and you’ll soon see how I get targeted clicks for as low as 3 cents per click (and sometimes even as low as only 1 penny per view).
With this knowledge, I have applied it to make money with affiliate campaigns, client campaigns and my own personal projects.
In fact, here are a couple of my personal income examples from recent affiliate campaigns I promoted using this knowledge.

Video Ads Crash Course 2.0
The Dirt Cheap Targeted Traffic Solution That Drives MASSIVE Views to Any Video You Want on the Web
So what exactly is Video Ads Crash Course going to do for you? Can a simple course really turn everything around for you?
Yes. Yes, it absolutely can, and it’s far easier than you think because let’s face it, we tend to over complicate things. I’m guilty of this myself, so don’t worry.

Here’s What Video Ads Crash Course Will Do For You:

  • Gives you access to TARGETED traffic on demand (simply point the video you want traffic to and press ‘Go’ with the strategies outlined to you
  • Drives massive targeted traffic to your website for as little as pennies per click
  • Helps increase ROI’s on your campaigns so you make more money with less ad spend
  • Shows you how to lower your cost per click while increasing the quality of the prospects you are reaching – so you have higher overall conversion ratios and put more cash in your pocket
  • Teaches you how to set up a profitable video campaign in under an hour (including making the video, writing the ad, and posting everything to generate targeted traffic)
  • Gives you advanced secrets to getting your ads to convert at higher click-throughs than your competitors
  • Enables you to understand which analytics and metrics are key to track and which are not… this ultimately gives you greater control in knowing what is performing best and what truly needs tweaking
  • This shows you how to generate quality traffic to affiliate campaigns, your own promotions, and client projects as well… which gives you the skill to generate revenue on demand… and that ultimately gives you true peace of mind knowing you can always make money
  • Empowers you with proven templates, proven ad formulas, and proven profit pulling strategies which you can use immediately to build your business (and income) to the level you choose
  • Plants control back in your hands for generating massive amounts of dirt cheap targeted traffic to exactly where you want (and zero waiting on video SEO strategies to hopefully work, this is almost instant results you see immediately)

This system is about bringing control back into your hands. Giving you the proven steps to generate targeted traffic so you can achieve your business and financial goals.
All this while still being able to enjoy time with your family and friends as your success grows and multiplies with the strategies you uncover with Video Ads Crash Course.
I’m here to help you succeed because I know how frustrating it was for me to figure this all out.
You can do this and I will show you exactly how to succeed in getting dirt cheap traffic. In fact…

Here’s What You Get With Your Access to
Video Ads Crash Course:

Full coverage of the various types of ads you can leverage

  • This will help you know which video ad depending on your goals to use so you can get maximum leverage from each campaign.

Value: $97.00

A break down on how to get the most out of each ad

  • This teaches you the skill. It teaches you “how to fish” instead of just giving you a fish. This is important because you’ll know how to plan for the click, create compelling thumbnails, and set up a powerful call to action… for the rest of your life.

Value: $97.00
A complete, over-the-shoulder view of campaign setup

  • This gives you a huge advantage because you’ll see how to purpose your ad based on the goals of your campaign, and it’s all done right in front of you so there’s no confusion.

Value: $97.00

Sought-after secrets of tracking and supercharging your conversions

  • Once you know this critical part you’ll know what is working, and what’s not, and you can fix what’s not working while making your successes even better. This gives you a faster path to having profitable campaigns which can ultimately make you more money every month.

Value: $97.00

A full breakdown on building a complete Video Ad Sales Funnel

  • Take a step inside and see what proven success looks like. You’ll take video advertising further by integrating it the right way with larger sales funnels, so you grow your video audience alongside the rest of your business. This also teaches you how to build a valuable asset that is saleable.

Value: $97.00

Advanced targeting and training methods for exponential growth

  • Here’s how to get the hottest prospects to generate the highest conversion rates. After learning this you will save a LOT of money and time by avoiding bad keywords and other detrimental practices, all so you can keep costs low and ROI up.

Value: $197.00

Landing Pages for your Video Ads

  • These are proven pages you can outright swipe for immediate results. This saves you time by giving you landing pages that are already proven to convert effectively.


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