Marisa Murgatroyd – Experience Product Masterclass

Download Marisa Murgatroyd – Experience Product Masterclass (WORTH: 7)

What is Marisa Murgatroyd – Experience Product Masterclass

Create Your Next Lucrative Experience Product, Re-Launch a Sexier Version of Your First or Have a Second Go at Mission Accomplished! Take Advantage of Our Returning Student Discount to Join EPM — the 2018 Edition — and Design, Market & Make $2,000 (or a Whole Lot More) from an Experience Product in 10 Weeks or Less

What do you get with the Experience Product Masterclass?

Lifetime Access to all 5 modules of the “Experience Product Masterclass”

  • Module 1: Your Lightbulb Moment
  • Module 2: Nailing Your Offer
  • Module 3: Crafting the Perfect Experience
  • Module 4: Experience Marketing Essentials
  • Module 5: Deliver the Wow
  • Ten 90-minute Live Group Laser Coaching Calls with Marisa
  • Ten 90-minute Group Implementation Calls with Don “Get-it-Done” Crowther
  • Access to your own Experience Product Success Coach, which includes UNLIMITED email access, milestone reviews, and 10 x 90-minute “open office” group calls with your coach at a time that suits you
  • In addition to your dedicated coach, you’ll also have access to the Experience Product Masterclass Community on Facebook.

Plus Your 5 Bonuses:

BONUS 1: Niche Down, Profits Up! (Value: $497) – A mini-training that will lead you step-by-step through the process of choosing THE perfect niche for you and your business right now so you can get started creating your Experience Product.

BONUS 2: Sales for Superheroes (Value: $997) – A 3-module mini program to guide you step-by-step through your enrollment conversations, with everything you need to get prospective clients to say YES! You’ll discover the lowest-pressure way to talk naturally to people, and selling them what you do without feeling salesy.

BONUS 3: NEW! EPM Marketing & Tech Power Pack (Value: $2,056)

Here’s what’s inside:

  • How to Name Anything Guide: Learn how to quickly create a captivating name for any of your programs, training and online courses.
  • Ultimate Product Branding Guide: Everything you need to make sure your products look and feel completely pro.
  • Royalty-Free Font Palette Bundle: Stand out online with pro-level fonts that authentically express your style.
  • A free 12-month business account with Heroic: Once you create your Experience Product, you will want to share your product online. You’re getting a website builder we’ve personally invested in that brings you agency-level design and massive conversion so you can have a site you’re proud of (and that makes you money, too).
  • 3-hour Get-Your-Site-Done Workshop: We’ve reserved an exclusive seat for you at our workshop (hosted by me and my husband Murray) so you can rest assured that you’ll be able to quickly build any web pages you need to grow your business and sell your products.
  • Free Account: Get done-for-you ebooks, slide decks, articles, graphics, lead magnets, worksheets, checklists, emails, and more, on almost any subject, professionally written by the US or Canadian writer that you can take and use “as is”, or make as many changes or updates as you wish.
  • 3-month Thinkific Business Account: Thinkific comes complete with gamification, progress tracking, student engagement tools, and everything you need to create and sell an amazing experience for your students.

 BONUS 4: Three 3-Hour Laser Coach-a-thons with Marisa (Value: $4,500)
During each “break week”, I’ll be personally holding a 3-hr laser coach where you can get deep coaching from me on your offer, your marketing, or anything else Experience-Product related… an opportunity that only comes around once a year!

BONUS 5: A complimentary ticket to Message to Money LIVE in February 2019 (Value: $997)
Discover exactly where your Experience Product fits into your business and how to leverage it so you can get more people, to invest more money in you, more often. Walk-in overwhelmed and walk out with your entire business on one sheet of paper.

Worth: $699


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