Marisa Peer – Uncompromised Life

[Download] Marisa Peer – Uncompromised Life (WORTH: $649)

What is Marisa Peer – Uncompromised Life?
The Uncompromised Life home training course is an 8-week deep dive into your mind – and the thought patterns and models of reality that shape your life.

Every week, you’ll take part in interactive Transformational Hypnotherapy sessions – one for each of the eight mind shifts – that empower you through tutorials, hypnotic exercises, and Q&A sessions designed to unlock your fullest potential as a Super Achiever.

Each of these transformations triggers a meteoric upgrade on qualities like your confidence, self-esteem, career performance, relationships, self-belief, work ethic, and more: all stepping stones towards your uncompromised life.

It’s a liberating, mind-expanding experience that only takes 150 minutes of your time per week. And perhaps for the time ever, it will open your eyes and guide you towards what you’re really capable of.

What will you learn in Uncompromised Life?


WEEK 1: Rewriting Your Mind’s Programming
When we’re speaking of the mind, know that it’s multiple layers deep. In this first week, we’re going to overwrite old, ill-serving paradigms that exist in the deeper layers of your mind with new empowering models that fully align with your goals and desires.

WEEK 2: Regaining Control Of Your Self-Image
Discover the two triggers of powerful mind control and how to effectively use them to transform your self-image and self-esteem. By the end of this week, you’ll have an unshakable attitude that helps you cut through unwanted distractions and focus on your priorities.

WEEK 3: Getting Familiar With The Unfamiliar
Too many people settle for a comfort zone of mediocrity and familiarity while avoiding the unknown due to a fear of failure or change. In this week, we’ll switch those roles so just like a Super Achiever, you’re perpetually excited to explore, grow, and challenge yourself.


WEEK 4: Doing What Scares You First
Often, it’s the difficult tasks you procrastinate on that hold you back from your goals and dreams. Discover a simple perception shift that empowers and emotionally prepares you to get these tough tasks done first, so you can speed up your journey to success.

WEEK 5: Taking Consistent Daily Actions
What if taking action towards your goals was as effortless as brushing your teeth every morning? Here you’ll discover a remarkably effective step-by-step process for creating success habits that stick with you consistently and with no conscious effort.

WEEK 6: Delaying Gratification For Future Benefits
Super Achievers have no problem skipping that chocolate fudge cake when they know their no-sugar goal will make them far happier in the long run. This is the concept of delayed gratification: and it’s what you’ll learn to master by the end of this week.


WEEK 7: Realizing You Are Enough
Most people’s negative habits can be traced back to one thing: trying to fill the emptiness of not feeling enough. In this week, Marisa installs in you the primordial self-acceptance belief of “I’m enough”, allowing you to live in a constant state of self-love and assuredness.

WEEK 8: Becoming Immune To Criticism
Unconstructive criticism, whether it’s from a boss, family member, or even yourself, can wreak havoc on your mind and vibrations. Discover how to become immune to it, while also turning yourself into a lightning rod for praise and constructive criticism that uplifts you.

Worth: $649


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