Matt Smith – Snapvertising

Matt Smith – Snapvertising

Learn Why This Super Affiliate Is “Pulling Back The Curtain” On His, Snapchat Ad Buying Secrets And Showing You Exactly How To Market Effectively on Snapchat!

Long story short I found a “goldmine” and finally was able to consistently provide for my family.

10 Reasons Why You Should Start Running Ads On Snapchat Right Now!

  1. Limited Competition… For Now! “So why would you tell me about this, Matt?” Because there’s pleeeeeeenty of room for growth (but it won’t last long).
  2. Cheaper ad prices. Lowest CPMs since the early wild days of the big ad platforms.
  3. Knowledgeable and supportive reps that want to see you succeed.
  4. A super simple platform that’s easy to navigate. You don’t need to be a data scientist to successfully run ads on Snapchat.
  5. You don’t need a creative team to put together ads. If you have 50 bucks, photoshop, and a fun brain, then you’ll do very very well on Snapchat.
  6. Snapchat is the perfect “low barrier entry model” that makes it easier to run than Facebook.
  7. Powerful ROAS potential. Your ad dollars go WAY further than with the big guys. Imagine spending 50 bucks and getting $800 back…
  8. You don’t need a 3rd party tracker.
  9. Never experience the frustration of ad platforms that don’t care about you.
  10. You get to learn step-by-step from me! Snapvertising is the only working course that shows you how to launch ad campaigns on Snapchat without confusion and without a big budget.

Snapvertising: The Wild West of Profitable Ad Buying

11 step-by-step training chapters (totals over 4 hours of “hold your hand” content) on how to create, run, and profitably scale ads on Snapchat.

Module 1: Snapchat Basics and Set-up Ad Campaigns

Module 2: Snapchat Creatives A To Z

Module 3: Step-By-Step Media Buying On Snapchat

Module 4: How To Stay 100% Compliant On Snapchat

Worth: $999


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