Matt Stefanik & Chris Blair – NewsFeed Fire

Download Matt Stefanik & Chris Blair – NewsFeed Fire

As you probably already know, the BIGGEST problem with Internet marketing is getting TARGETED TRAFFIC.

Some say “content is king” — but they are WRONG.

The truth is, you can sell your own products or affiliate products… but, if you don’t have targeted traffic, you won’t make a dime.

That’s just the harsh reality of the situation.

To make matters even worse, most traffic sources are either too expensive to profit from or too slow to produce results.

The world of Internet marketing has changed. As Lee lacocca would say, “You can lead, follow, or get out of the way.”

For example…

Consider AdWords pay-per-dick. Once again, the old days are done and gone.

Google doesn’t even like Internet marketers anymore.

And the clicks frequently aren’t cost-effective.

Then there’s SEO (which is basically just the “flip side” of pay-per-click). The thing is… pleasing “The Big G” (and the other search engines) is a thankless job.

It takes a lot of work, a lot of time, and – in the end — only so many sites can be on page one. Furthermore, with a single algorithm change…

We provide video-based training that gives you all the knowledge, tips, and insider resources necessary to grow your business on Facebook.

We discuss strategies that can be applied to many different fields, business types, models, and marketing plans.

As I said… we’re Facebook EXPERTS. Using the same strategies you’ll learn, we routinely make sales of $200 to $1,000 per day, win affiliate contests, and coach clients (who pay $1,000 to $2,500).

Furthermore, we recently did a webinar where we grossed $32,000 in sales (at 50% commission) all by driving traffic to a Facebook event, running ads, and mailing the list we built from Facebook.

News Feed Ads are becoming more and more popular all the time – and Facebook is encouraging their use.

Are you starting to see the amazing potential of Facebook, yet?

We’ve built our entire business around it – Facebook is just that powerful.

News Feed Fire is ideal for Internet marketers and offline businesses with (or without) a storefront.

These include:

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