Michael Neill – Impacting Leaders

Download Michael Neill – Impacting Leaders

To coaches who are ready to create a bigger impact NOW…
Discover How You Can Become the Secret Weapon to Success for CEOs, Leaders & the World’s Highest Achievers Internationally renowned transformative coach Michael Neill, who has coached CEOs, celebrities, royalty, and other high-achieving individuals for over 25 years, invites you to discover his secrets to confidently coaching high-impact individuals to reach their next level, no matter how successful, famous, or wealthy they are.
What You’ll Learn
Introducing “Impacting Leaders: The Art & Science of Coaching in the
Modern World”
Here are 9 powerful breakthroughs you’ll experience in this course:
01 Learn the universal scientific principles of what really makes humans tick.
It’s surprising these principles aren’t more widely known. Michael was at the top of the NLP field and had worked in the biggest New Age & psychology bookstore for years. He thought he knew everything there is to know about human behavior, yet he only discovered these principles after years of study and coaching.
Upon finding these universal scientific principles of human transformation, Michael shifted the way he approached coaching. He went from being known as the NLP “King of Techniques”, to developing his signature style of coaching using ZERO techniques – just transformative coaching that connects on the soul and cellular level.

02 Experience insight-based learning which unleashes your infinite creative potential as a coach.
The reason these principles are so powerful is that they don’t limit you to follow an X-step process or remain confined in the limiting box of copying other coaches’ techniques. Instead of being told what to do, this insight-based training will lead you to the “aha’s” which develop your signature style, artistry, and unlimited potential as a coach.

03 Tap into the driving force behind human potential.
Before Michael understood these principles, he suffered from suicidal depression for 7 years. Studying self-help techniques helped him learn how to cope with depression. For a long time, he dealt with high-functioning depression, believing it was the best he could achieve for his personality. However, when he discovered the universal scientific principles of human transformation, he was able to transform from someone with high-functioning depression to becoming a genuinely happy person. When you find these for yourself and gain new insights, the transformation you can create for yourself — and high-impact individuals — will be simply phenomenal.

04 Get better results with less effort and less stress.
Transformative coaching based on these universal scientific principles of human behavior has the potential to achieve in 2-3 days what coaching techniques need 3-6 months to reach. This is because you will have a real understanding of how the mind works and how to unleash the human potential from the innate intelligence source. Your clients won’t rely on techniques as crutches or complicate their transformation and growth by always needing the next technique to lean on.

05 Listen at a deeper level you never thought possible.
When you understand these universal scientific principles of human transformation, you’ll be able to listen at a deeper level you never thought possible. This is not “active listening” where you simply paraphrase what your clients said to acknowledge you heard them. This is deep listening that moves your soul in a way they can sense and feel heard, even if you don’t say a single word. It’s the most powerful connection that can be achieved between two human beings.

06 Assist high-impact clients to make significant breakthroughs in life, business, and relationships.
When you can listen at a deeper level than ever before, and when you know how human behavior works to tap into the driving force of human potential, you’ll be able to help high-impact clients make significant breakthroughs in every area of their lives.

07 Grow your confidence and transformative coaching skills as you create a BIGGER impact.
You’ll discover it’s not certifications, qualifications, or years of experience that builds your confidence. The real source of your coaching confidence is being able to deeply connect with somebody at a level most authentic to their nature. Once you unleash this, the impact you can create will be bigger, faster, and easier.

08 Unlock the freedom to live your best life
Level up to serve high-impact people happy to pay you premium rates. Enjoy the financial and lifestyle freedom you’ve always dreamed of. Spend more time with your loved ones. Strike off your bucket list. Create more impact through philanthropic works. And passionately pursue every other way your heart and soul want to soar.

09 Expand your creative potential and have loads of FUN!
Because you no longer have to copy other coaches’ techniques, you’ll have the creative freedom to make every single coaching session uniquely dynamic. You’ll have your signature style, develop your own techniques, and even know when to break the “rules.” In other words, no two sessions will ever be the same. You’ll never have to dread being caught in the “same old, same old” routine, and you’ll have loads of FUN while creating a HUGE impact.


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