Paul Hartunian – Million Dollar Publicity Kit

Paul Hartunian – Million Dollar Publicity Kit

How to Get a Million Dollars Or More Of ‘Advertising’, Free of Charge….

Make Your Product, Service, Business, Cause,
Or Yourself Famous
Locally, Nationally Or Globally, FREE….
Even Tap The Enormous Powers Of Major Media – TV Shows Like ‘Oprah’, ‘Regis and Kelly’, ‘The Today Show’, Publications Like ‘Time’ and ‘USA Today’, Free!
Publicity is even more valuable than paid advertising –
and possessing my proven secrets for creating massive amounts of positive publicity is like being handed a fresh checkbook with One Million Dollars in it, to be invested in promoting YOUR ‘thing’.

Dear Business Owner,
I’ve gotten millions of dollars of “free advertising” for myself, my products and for my clients – but I really get a kick out of showing people like you how to “do it yourself”, fast, cheap and simple.  (If you call up some fancy-schmaltzy PR firm with six names on its stationery, they’ll quote you “retainers” of $2,000, $5,000, even $10,000 a month to do for you what you can easily do BETTER for yourself, for PENNIES, nickels, and dimes!)
By the time you’re through reading this Report, you’ll see:

1. How I’ve generated millions of dollars worth of publicity for myself on a shoestring budget

2. Why my kind of publicity is far more valuable than paid advertising in the same media

3. How you can mount a “guerrilla” publicity campaign of your own, keep it simple, do it fast and cheap – and get great results

4. How to use free publicity to get rich

How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success In Getting Free Advertising —

Then Used It To Become Rich And Famous, Not Just Once, But Repeatedly!
Just so you know I’m well worth listening to, here’s a quick summary of some of my best achievements with free publicity:

1. A simple mailing that cost me less than $100.00 brought a flood of newspaper and magazine reporters, radio shows and TV shows to me…and they all promoted my product free, to millions, on and on for 6 months!

2. One little “publicity release” brought the worldwide cable-TV news network CNN to me…they sent a big truck with antennas on the top right to my front door…interviewed me…and ran that interview EVERY HALF HOUR  for three days!

3. The Johnny Carson Show! Not only did Johnny promote my product on the show, but he also put together one of his special parodies based on my product.

4. I’ve been on The Jenny Jones Show, the Donahue Show, To Tell the Truth, and The Regis Philbin Show.

5. A Two Page article about me appeared in FORBES MAGAZINE.

6. I’ve been interviewed on over 1,000 radio and TV talk shows throughout the United States and in several foreign countries.

Oh, and incidentally, here are the two most important things to know about why I’m qualified to help you:

Big Point #1:  I didn’t do this once.  I didn’t just “get lucky”.  For three different products and businesses…one involving collectibles, another involving “how to meet your dream mate” information…..and yet another with business products sold to business people….I’ve turned on my “free publicity machine” and attracted great media attention just as easily as attracting a swarm of bugs by turning on the porch light on a dark night.  The SYSTEM that I’ve wound up with is UNIVERSAL.  You can apply it for ANY purpose.  And it’ll work like a dream, just like the “system” of gravity works when you drop a pencil.

Big Point #2: I did NOT just get a bunch of publicity and bathe a giant ego in the warm glow of fame.  You can’t put any of that in the bank.  No, I am NOT interested in being famous just for the sake of being famous.  Nor do I want a big, fat scrapbook of newspaper clippings.  I want MONEY.  So when I crank up my “free publicity machine”, I crank up a “Money Machine” — bringing floods of cash customers… eager buyers for what I offer.  I’m going to show you how you could make great gobs of cash with free publicity.  That’s what I’m all about.

But it wasn’t always like that.  When I first started trying to make publicity work, I was a dismal failure.  I started trying way back at age 15.  I collected a table full of books by so-called publicity experts — most of whom I’d never heard of and had no publicity of their own to brag about (which should have told me something, but I was young and dumb).  I followed their instructions.  I labored over press releases and expensive “press kits”.  It took quite a while before I gave up altogether on their “normal” way of doing things.

But finally, I did give up.
It turns out that most of the “pros” in this field needlessly complicate the entire process, to make it mystical and very expensive, so they make a lot of money — whether their clients do or not.  So everything they know how to do is a lot more beneficial to them than it is to you or me.

So I gave up on them.
And I struggled to find my own way.  Testing this idea, then that one.  Seeking out people who actually had gotten a lot of press coverage AND made money doing it, and looking at what they did.  Talking to media people about what I’d been doing wrong.  Looking for the FORMULA that would let me break through all the clutter and COMPEL the media to pay attention to me.
Through a sequence of events, contacts, discoveries and costly experiments you probably couldn’t replicate if you tried for 100 years, I came up with a fairly simple process that really worked.  In fact, the first time I applied it in its entirety I got more publicity and sales than I ever dreamed possible.  That was my “Brooklyn Bridge” venture.

Now, here’s what I “perfected” as a result of “selling the Brooklyn Bridge”….thousands and thousands of dollars worth of it!…using free publicity:

1. How to come up with the “hook” that turns the ordinary into the extraordinarily interesting, that makes a great “human interest story” that attracts media curiosity like a picnic attracts ants.

2. How to use that “hook” as the basis for a simple one page “press release”  that WILL get read. (The examples in most ordinary books on publicity are worthless, by the way.)

3. The one kind of little-understood, little-used question or statement that  MUST be in a news release to get the media people to CALL YOU and INTERVIEW YOU (Here’s a HARTUNIAN SECRET for you: you do NOT want a newspaper or magazine or radio host to use your release “as is”. No, you do NOT want that.  That’s how you get a few inches or 30 seconds.  No.  The job of the release is to get them to call you, thirsty for more. That’s how  you get a FULL PAGE or A HALF HOUR!)

4. The one question you MUST ask before agreeing to do an interview –  otherwise you’ll just be spinning your wheels and you won’t make any money.

5. How to give compelling, persuasive, exciting interviews that draw customers to you and create sales.  (By the way, this is all done sitting on your duff, at home.  99.9% of all the interviews I’ve ever done or done are by phone, at home.  I can be parked there butt naked scratching where you should never scratch and be making money.  A while back, I broke my leg and had it stuck in a big, clumsy cast – but that didn’t slow me down.  With that cast propped up, I sat there sipping lemonade and still made $300, $500, even  $1,000 an hour just talking on the phone…to people who pursued me and asked me to give them interviews.)



My MILLION DOLLARS OF FREE PUBLICITY MASTER MANUAL: an easy-to-read manual with step-by-step instructions for finding your story, crafting your message, writing a killer press release, assembling the other documents, and more. Also included: SAMPLES, SAMPLES, SAMPLES!!! Here are the exact releases and other tools that I have used successfully. There are models you can use for every purpose. There are also detailed instructions for handling the media exposure and opportunities you attract so that you turn every opportunity into CASH!
With the Million Dollar Manual comes my manual “HOW TO FIND ENOUGH MEDIA CONTACTS TO LAST A LIFETIME”. One of the biggest problems publicity seekers have is finding correct contact information for reporters. This special strategy report will give you all the information you’ll need to find names, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers and email addresses of reporters, editors, talk show hosts, producers and just about anyone else you’ll need to get publicity anywhere in the world. This report has web links, addresses, phone numbers, etc. – everything you’ll need to find the media people you’re interested in contacting.

EIGHT AUDIO CDs that go beyond the Manual….I discuss every step of this process, from how to come up with powerful story ideas to giving persuasive interviews without nervousness. This is like having me sit down and coach you person-to-person on all my moneymaking techniques.

3 MONTHS OF MY PAPER AND INK, DELIVERED-TO-YOU-IN-THE-MAIL NEWSLETTER that keeps you up-to-date on my latest discoveries, success examples you can learn from, new contacts, opportunities and more. Plus, you won’t have to remember to renew. At the end of your initial 3-month subscription, we’ll automatically charge your credit card our current monthly rate of just $24.95 a month. Of course, you can cancel any time you want.

I’ll also send you (while my supply lasts) an actual, authentic, collector’s piece of the Brooklyn Bridge, mounted, ready for framing. I want you to look at it every day and be inspired to use free publicity to make your fortune. (And it very well may be worth more than the whole System in years to come.)

“HOW TO GET YOUR PRESS RELEASE TO THE FRONT PAGE OF GOOGLE NEWS IN 60 MINUTES OR LESS…EVERY TIME…GUARANTEED!” Online publicity is very powerful – and a strategy you’ve got to be using. But if you don’t get your press release to the front page of Google News, you’ll be missing out on a huge part of the benefits. This manual will show you, step-by-step, exactly how to be sure your release is on the front page of Google News within 60 minutes from the time you send it out – every single time – guaranteed!

“101 SIZZLING HOT WAYS TO GET PUBLICITY”. I’ll bet you never would have thought of 96 of these ideas. Plus, they can be used for any product, service, business or professional practice.

“HOW TO CREATE AN EMPIRE FROM ONE MEASLY PRESS RELEASE”. This is a KILLER manual! It’ll walk you, step-by-step, through my Empire Building system, where you take a simple, one-page press release and turn it into an empire worth of publicity, all in an hour or less. This manual will show you how to get both online and offline distribution of your press release and information.

MY “INSTANT HEADLINE GENERATOR” PC SOFTWARE. This software is a breeze to use and the results are incredible! You simply type the type of business you’re in into the software, click one button and in less than 10 seconds you’ll have over 100 powerful headlines, ready to copy and paste into your press release. It couldn’t be easier!

“CASHING IN ON PROFITABLE RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE MEDIA”. So many people miss out on huge publicity opportunities because they didn’t take the simple steps needed to build a relationship with the media. After reading this report, you’ll never make that mistake again.


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