Ryan Deiss – DigitalMarketer Lab

Download Ryan Deiss – DigitalMarketer Lab

MEMBER BENEFIT #1: Execution Plan Library

Just to be clear, these “Execution Plans” aren’t training courses…they’re more like “Checklists On Steroids.

Much like a pilot’s flight checklist or the Operations Manual at McDonald’s, these are the “Standard Operating Procedures” that we use to run our business.

They are, without putting too much emphasis on it, the very HEART of my business.

And now I want you to have this library of “Execution Plans.”

I want you to have the heart of my business…

…and I want you to have it for FREE!

Once you’re inside, with just a couple of clicks you can access our:

  • 16-Step Landing Page Checklist That Consistently DOUBLES Opt-In Rates
  • 9-Step Subscriber Win-Back Campaign That Reactivates and Re-Engages “Dead” and Neglected Email Lists (which means more opens, more clicks and MORE TRAFFIC for you!)
  • 22-Step Offer Optimization Plan That Bumps Conversions 40 – 70%
  • 5-Part Customer Save Series That Has Reduced Refund Rates By As Much as 53% (and Transformed Angry Customers Into Raving Fans)
  • 15-Step Video Selling Formula That Out-Pulls Traditional, Text-Only Sales Messages By 200 – 300%

…and that’s just to name a few!

Now these Execution Plans are great for optimizing what you already have, but what if you need to roll-out a new project?

What if you finally want to launch a blog, Facebook page, or just a new landing page?

If any of those are on your “To-Do List,” then you’ll love these Execution Plans.

There’s the…

  • 16-Step Checklist for Launching Your eCommerce Store In a Single Weekend
  • 21-Step Plan for Launching a Blog AND Attracting Your First 1000 Subscribers
  • 22-Step Offer Optimization Plan That Bumps Conversions 40 – 70%
  • 15-Step Plan for Launching an Ebook On Amazon Kindle and Getting It To #1 In Its Category, in 14 Days or Less!
  • 38-Step Plan for Building Your First Landing Page the Right Way the First Time
  • 28-Step Checklist To Setting Up the Perfect Facebook Page (and Getting Your First 100 Likes)

These plans are without a doubt the ULTIMATE SHORTCUT to finally crossing off all those items on your “To-Do List”.

And by the way, if it’s traffic you’re after… well… we have an Execution Plan for that, too.

For example, there’s the…

  • 18-Step Checklist for Launching Your First Profitable Facebook Ad Campaign
  • 23-Step Checklist For Executing a Perfect Facebook “Custom Audience” Campaign To Drive More Sales From the Leads You Already have
  • 22-Step Plan for Using Twitter Ads To Generate New Leads and Sales (almost no one is doing this right)
  • 16-Step LinkedIn Advertising Plan for Extracting Highly Targeted B2B Leads

And again, this is just a SAMPLE! 

Take a peek at what’s waiting for you in the Lab MEMBERS ONLY area of Digital marketer…

Literally, if you want to EXECUTE on virtually any aspect of digital marketing, we have a plan for it in the library.

That why this library is so near and dear to my heart…

…without it, we simply couldn’t do HALF of what we ultimately get done.

In the past these Execution Plans were my advantage alone, but with the launch of the premium level of Digital Marketer, DM Lab, I have decided to “open source” my entire business and make my cherished Execution Plans available to you.

Today you have an opportunity to join Digital Marketer Lab and get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the entire library as a welcome gift.

But that’s not all…

MEMBER BENEFIT #2: MONTHLY “What’s Working Now” Trainings

As a member, you also get to “drop in” on our internal “What’s Working Now” meetings where members of the DM team share what’s new, what’s hot and what’s WORKING across all our different divisions and companies.

It’s like you’re sitting at one of these desks behind me right now!

In the past, these virtual “meetups” were for employees only, but as a part of “open-sourcing” my business I’ve decided to let DM Lab members attend these sessions as well.

Not only will you get the latest and greatest ideas (before they’ve been turned into Execution Plans), you’ll also have a chance to ask questions to me, my team, or anyone else who decided to drop by that week.

MEMBER BENEFIT #3: DM Engage Masterminds

As a Lab member you’re also getting access to our private mastermind group, “DM Engage”.

Just like a traditional mastermind group, DM Engage is all about:

– Sharing what’s working, and…

– Getting help with what isn’t.

Our members include:

  • The senior VP of marketing for one of the largest fitness companies in the world (you’ve not only heard of them…you’ve seen their products on TV)
  • The founder of two of hottest SaaS startups in the testing and analytics space (chances are you use one or both of his solutions)
  • A former VP for PepsiCo
  • One of the most connected VCs in Silicon Valley(who also just happens to be a best-selling author)

…along with a smattering of:

  • Authors and information publishers
  • VCs and investors
  • Local, brick and mortar business owners
  • Blogers and mediapreneurs
  • Brilliant lawyers (yes we allow a few) and…
  • Seasoned CEO’s

Once you have shown that you are fully committed to this group, these members (and others) will be ready, willing and able to come to your aid.

But fair warning: You will be expected to do the same.

MEMBER BENEFIT #4: WEEKLY “Office Hours” Calls

All DM Lab members get WEEKLY and direct access to the entire Digital Marketer team (and occasional special guests experts) in our LIVE, members-only “Office Hours” Q&A sessions.

This is your opportunity to ask my team of experts anything… literally, ANYTHING!

But because someone always has to be “the first to the dance floor” our Managing Editor, Russ Henneberry, starts off every call with 15 – 20 minutes of sharing things like…

  • Two formulas we use EVERY DAY (Actually multiple times per day) to keep a pulse on the health of our business…
  • EXACTLY how we use our blog content to create laser-focused offers using Facebook Website Custom Audiences
  • Our “new project” rollout and QC plan (each “oops” costs us a minimum of $5,000 so this QC checklist is super valuable)
  • How we use 3rd party page builders and templates to launch new pages and campaigns in hours NOT days (and a deep dive into our best converting templates)

Worth: $495


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