Ryan Deiss – Traffic & Conversion Summit 2015

Ryan Deiss – Traffic & Conversion Summit 2015


Answer: A lot!
Here’s a peek at what we have on the agenda and just a smidgeon of what you’ll take away…

The first day of the Traffic & Conversion Summit is all about traffic, and that’s because traffic WILL fundamentally change in 2015. Some of the topics we’ll discuss include:

Why SEO is fundamentally DEAD, and the new 3-letter acronym that’s replacing it. This is big…I mean REALLY BIG! In fact, I predict that this is the session everyone will be talking about on Facebook and Twitter, and you don’t want to miss it.

How we’re able to get over 30,000 unique visitors a day to a practically brand-new site, all organically…mostly from Pinterest!

Get in the inbox. Email deliverability has been a hot topic in 2014, and it’s only going to be more important in 2015. That’s why we’re devoting an entire session to getting your emails delivered AND opened and clicked…

Facebook organic. Think organic social media is dead? Thinking about killing off your Facebook page completely? Don’t follow the herd! Good traffic can be had from Facebook and Twitter…and it’s free. You just have to know how to do it the right way (and fortunately that’s exactly what we’ll be teaching you).

Neuro-Targeting Inside Facebook. How to advertise to ONLY the most targeted leads you already know meet your customer criteria and have the ability and desire to buy.

Twitter Ad Secrets. Yes…Twitter ads work! If you aren’t testing this incredible new medium, you’re leaving A LOT of traffic on the table. Find out how we’re leveraging this new traffic channel (templates included!!!)

“Page Leaping” Most people glaze over content advertising because they don’t understand it or have screwed it up in the past. Here is a FACT: Content accounts for a full 2/3 of our traffic on Google and Yahoo. Best of all, it’s wicked-cheap and it converts better than search.

Fusion Marketing. The biggest mistake digital marketers make is ignoring offline. In this session, we’ll show you how we’re leveraging “old school” methods such as radio and direct mail to drive insanely targeting traffic and leads…

The great YouTube HACK! Most marketers are still ignoring YouTube. Why? It’s the 2nd largest search engine and our third-largest source of traffic. We’ll show you what we’re doing, and what’s really working on YouTube today…

And that’s not all…

In the afternoon we’re breaking up into three different tracks: There’s the “Big Ideas” track where we’ll talk about general traffic tactics, plus two tracks specifically for e-commerce/Amazon sellers and speakers, authors, and experts.

So whether you’re a physical product seller or digital product sellers (or if you don’t care and you just want to find out what’s working now in traffic)…

…we have a track for you!

And that’s just Day 1…


Now that you know how to get all the traffic your business needs, what do you do with it? That’s what Day 2 is all about, because on this day we’ll focus 100% on sales and conversions.

At the last Traffic & Conversion Summit, we introduced the world to the 5-step conversion funnel. Now look around. Everyone is a “funnel expert,” and software has been invented (practically overnight) to systematize and automate conversion funnels and whole industries and fields of consulting have been born.

All from ONE session taught on the very first day at the last T&C Summit.

Well this year, we’re doing it again. But this time, we’re introducing the new Funnel 2.0.

Needless to say, with all the exposure our 5-step conversion funnel has received over the past year, we’ve been forced to innovate. And innovate we did!

Not only have we found new ways to structure conversion funnels, we found new ways to optimize the old model that can be deployed in virtually any business… digital, physical, online, offline, brick and mortar, you name it this works (and we’ve got PROOF!)

This topic is so important that we’re devoting two full sessions. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this. If you do, you will be behind in 2015.

But that’s far from all…

….here’s a tiny preview of the topics we’ll be sharing with you on Day 2:

Three types of automated, evergreen sales campaigns that literally make money while you sleep. (That’s not hype. These campaigns are fully automated, so they’ll work for you even when you’re out of the office, on vacation and yep…asleep.)

Steal These Campaigns! Swipe four of our best-converting marketing campaigns (copy and all) to use in your own business…

Red Hot Lead Magnets – Want to convert more of your traffic into leads? Deploy one of these offers and watch your subscriber list explode…

Does blogging actually generate sales? Yes…but only if you deploy this carefully crafted, 3-part “blog launch” method…

Conversion Models Explained. Understanding that there are two basic conversion models helps. Knowing the one people use most produces an average of 10X the result of the other.

“Google-Friendly Landing Pages” Facebook and Google are getting more and more strict on what they will and will NOT allow from advertisers. Fortunately, after spending many, many hundreds of thousands of dollars every month on media, we have insights and data, and we’re sharing both with you!

Captain Hook. Most marketers miss the hook…and they fail. In my opinion, this is the SINGLE BIGGEST FACTOR in an offer the success of failure. We’ll show you how we develop ours and even help you to uncover your in-class exercise. (WARNING: This Session Is Rated: Aaargghhhh!!!!)

Throat-Grabbing Headlines. If they don’t read it they can’t buy it. That’s why the greatest headline writers in the world make HUGE salaries. I’ll show you how to “borrow” their best ZINGERS to suck your readers in like a mobile home in a tornado.

12-Step Sales Copy Structure. This template makes anyone a B+ copywriter in just a day with a few exercises. I’ll prove it in class…HINT: It’s modeled from sexual relationships… [TEMPLATE INCLUDED]

Psychic Sales Designs. The design elements you select for your website can make as a MASSIVE difference in trust, readability, lead generation, and sales conversions. With our best tweaks, tricks, and tested elements, you will crush it!

Mobile Wallets are Finally Here. It took longer than the experts thought, but with the introduction of ApplePay, mobile commerce is poised to be a force in 2015 and beyond. We’ll share all our strategies and show you how we plan to capitalize on this new buyer medium.

Automate Your Business. Want to see how the DigitalMarketer team automates virtually all our marketing? We’ll show you…including all the tools and services we use to make it happen. (Checklists and SOPs Included!!!)

And again, this is just a preview…a tiny snippet of the tactics and strategies that will be dumped on you during T&C.

In fact, during the afternoon of Day 2, you’ll have a choice to make…

Do you stay on the main room stream and get all our latest and greatest conversion-based “Big Ideas,” or do you go into one of the breakout room live streams where you can get detailed sessions on “Business Automation” and “Advanced Sales and Persuasion?”

(Don’t worry, we’re live streaming all three rooms… the main room and both breakout rooms!)

By the end of Day 2, your brain will be mush.

Don’t believe me? Just ask anyone who’s been to T&C in the past and they’ll tell you. That’s why we like to mix it up a little bit on Day 3. This year we’re bringing you…


All kidding aside, this is HUGE…

The DigitalMarketer partners recently discovered a MAJOR crack in the digital universe that, quite by accident, changed the way we approach selling online. NOBODY – not even the major players in this space – know how this works yet, and we have been super-tight-lipped…until now.

It’s NOT faddy…it’s NOT black hat (quite the opposite) and it’s not expensive. In fact, for the most part, it’s FREE!

I’m sorry I can’t tell you more here but it’s BIG. I’ll promise you that.

This explanation will take most of a day. You will be able to ask all the questions you want and you’ll leave with a solid plan of action.

I can also promise that this one session will be worth 10X the price of this conference if you sleep through the other two days.

See, I told you this was completely different…

Worth: $799


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