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Sarah Bird – The 6S Kit

Download Sarah Bird – The 6S Kit

Everything You Need to Start Selling T-Shirts Now!

You Can Literally Start Selling T-Shirts & Making Money Immediately
You don’t need teespring. You don’t need t-shirt equipment, blank t-shirts, a credit card processor, a store, a website, design skills, experience, knowledge, or technical skills. All that you need to get started and make money is in the simple kit that I am about to introduce to you!

What exactly is the ‘6S Kit’?
The ‘6S Kit’ is EVERYTHING you need for SUCCESS in one kit! It includes a step by step guide outlining exactly how to set up a Sunfrog account, Facebook page and Facebook ads so you can start listing shirts for sale and making money today. The ‘6S Kit’ also includes materials for over 130 ready-to-go niche shirts. Everything you need is in there including links, ad copy, and 3 ad images for each shirt.

What is Sunfrog and what’s the big deal?
Sunfrog is a t-shirt vendor that allows you to sell their t-shirts right from their website for big profits. If you have been trying to make money online for a while, you have probably looked into t-shirts as a way to make some cash. Other companies allow you to post affiliate links to their websites and make a dollar or two for any shirts that sell. Teespring came out and changed that game by letting you create and sell your own shirts.
Sunfrog has leaped ahead (no pun intended) and they allow you to sell shirts created by anyone. You can post a link directly to any shirt that you want to sell and make $7 or more for t-shirts and up to $15 for hoodie sales! You get paid for EVERY shirt you sell.

Why Sunfrog – isn’t all the hype about Teespring?
Unless you” ve been living under a rock, or haven”t been to any marketing forums lately then you have probably heard of Teespring. There has been a lot of hype about them over the past year but the truth is that it simply doesn’t work for most people. Let me explain why. First of all, with Teespring you have to design your own shirts in order to sell them. So if you aren’t a designer, you will need to hire one which can get pretty pricey.
Also, Teespring makes you sell a certain number of shirts for each design or they won’t even print & ship them! This has caused a lot of marketers huge problems as they spend tons of money on a certain ‘campaign’ only to have it top off at 8 sales and not get printed! That’s right, Teespring won”t even print your shirt or pay you unless you sell at least 10 t-shirts in your design and that’s when you set it at the bare minimum.

So what ends up happening?
You lose all of the money that you spent on advertising and design costs and the customers that tried to buy from you don’t even get their shirts! It’s a lose-lose for everyone. If you do make money with Teespring, good for you but that just isn’t the case for most people. Here’s the “sorry you’re screwed” image from a Teespring campaign:

Worth: $799


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