Selena Soo – Impacting Millions 2019

Selena Soo – Impacting Millions 2019

Are You a Best Kept Secret Ready to Be Discovered?
It’s Your Turn to Reach Bigger Audiences and Land the Opportunities of a Lifetime
What You’ll Learn:

Module 1:
Create Your Plan to Become a Media Star
Discover media outlets that are right for you and create an action plan to score these dream opportunities, using them to attract more 1-on-1 clients, sell out your group program, or land a lucrative book deal.

Module 2:
Get the Media to Fall in Love with You
Make sure that when you pitch yourself to the media, you’re seen as a credible expert. And if you think you’re not ready yet…don’t worry, I’ll take you through a deep dive process to help you figure out how to put your best foot forward.

Module 3:
How to Pitch, Land, & Leverage Guest Posts
Guest posts can be an easy way to get started with publicity. Unlike print magazines that only publish 10-12 times a year and have limited pages – online publications are always looking for new content. And the returns from one guest post can be massive.

Module 4:
Become a Regular on Top Podcasts
There’s a bigger opportunity than ever to share your story on a podcast and connect with tens or hundreds of thousands of people in a meaningful way that grows your business. This is one of the best ways to sell high-end services and programs.

Module 5:
Secure Guest Expert Opportunities
Is your goal to work with some of the biggest influencers in your industry? Maybe you want to secure speaking opportunities at their high-end masterminds or become a guest lecturer in one of their premium groups? This module teaches you various ways to collaborate with influencers and get introduced to some of their most valuable customers – who might just be some of your ideal clients.

Module 6:
Get Featured in Prestigious Magazines
If you dream of being in one of your favorite magazines, I’ll show you how! This highly coveted opportunity is an excellent way to reach the masses and give your brand a colossal boost. Getting into magazines can be competitive, so I’ll share my insider secrets to getting featured time and time again.

Module 7:
Land Interviews on Popular TV Shows
Want to get the attention of millions of people, instantly? TV allows you to reach the masses and become a household name. After all, think about what happens to people when they get discovered by Oprah! Learn the dos and don’ts of being on TV, so you can make the most of this valuable opportunity.
Do you see other people in your industry getting all the opportunities and wonder, “Why can’t it be me?”
(It’s almost like they’re part of a secret club that you haven’t been invited to…)
It’s frustrating to see your peers…
\\Land prime spots on podcasts and features in major publications… when you struggle to get people to read your latest blog post
\\Announce their book hit #1 on the bestseller list… when you still can’t find a publisher
\\Practically sell out a retreat with a $5,000 price tag (plus travel expenses) before it launches… when you’re trudging through free strategy sessions, hoping someone says yes to your program
\\Show up as “Special Keynote Speakers” at live events… when you wrestle to get people to watch your Facebook Live
\\Get invited to speak to your favorite influencer’s mastermind group … while you’re inviting people to virtual coffee dates and getting a lukewarm response
\\Casually post a photo of their breakfast on Instagram and get 253 likes… when the only people who like your Facebook fan page are a small group of close friends and family
Sure, you’re happy for them.
But at the same time, you wonder why it’s not you. Sometimes it feels like you’re invisible.

Impacting Millions helps you land dream publicity opportunities to catapult you from best-kept secret to highly sought-after leader.
You’ll attract clients with greater ease, while impacting more lives than you ever imagined.
Because you’re tired of playing small.

Worth: $999


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