Stefan Georgi – Freelance Freedom Course

Stefan Georgi - Freelance Freedom Course

How to Land Your First Client in the Next 30 Days…Even If You’re a Total Beginner With No Experience.

(And create a $2,000 and $24,000 PER MONTH freelancing income in your spare time…

even if you currently have a full-time job.)

January 8, 2021

Unknown author

Stefan Georgi

How to Land Your First Client in the Next 30 Days…Even If You’re a Total Beginner With No Experience.

(And create a $2,000 and $24,000 PER MONTH freelancing income in your spare time…

even if you currently have a full-time job.)

An error occurred.

Hey, it’s Stefan Georgi and Ian Stanley…

Two freelancers who, combined, have generated close to a billion dollars in sales for ourselves and our clients…

And in the next few minutes…

We’re going to give you a proven, replicable, and timeless blueprint for making REAL, SIGNIFICANT, and probably LIFE-CHANGING money as a freelancer.

We’re talking about going from $0 to $2k a month in freelancer income…

Or from $2k to $6k…

Possibly even from $6k to $30k a month (or more)…

And while we know that might sound hard to believe…

It’s something we’ve already helped countless people to do…

Like Troy Ericson, who went from averaging about $5k a month when we first worked with him in November of 2019…

To bringing in over $30k in April of 2020…

Or Rob Tidwell, who was desperate to quit his job when we first spoke with him…

And who was able to accomplish that goal within 3 months of receiving this blueprint (plus he’s tripled his income since then too).

And the best part is the…

This blueprint isn’t fancy or even very complicated…

It’s just based on our own personal experiences in the “freelancing game”…

As we went from being paid a few hundred dollars for our services (while making every mistake in the book)…

To command the highest fees of anyone in our entire industry – often upwards of $50,000 for a single 15-hour project.

And the best part is that this blueprint is something that anyone can use…

Without working insane hours…

Sacrificing your health…

Or need to start some B.S. Agency (more on agencies and why they are a trap a bit later).

In fact, if you read this letter carefully…

You’ll be shocked to realize just how easy and FUN the world of freelancing really is…

And you’re going to see how mastering the business of freelancing can bring an absurd amount of freedom to your life…

This is what it’s all about:


We’re willing to bet that the reason you were first attracted to the world of freelancing wasn’t just to “get rich”…

It was because you were TIRED of the way things were in your life.

Maybe you had a job that you hated and a boss you couldn’t stand… (or maybe you still have a job you hate with a boss who makes you want to bash your head into your cubicle walls.)

Maybe you simply can’t shake the feeling that there was something “better” for you out there…

Or, heck, maybe you turned to freelance out of economic necessity…

Perhaps you’re like the numerous folks in Africa, Asia, India, Eastern Europe, and The United States we’ve worked with…

And you were told some B.S. story about why all the best opportunities in life weren’t available for you.

“You didn’t go to college. You didn’t go to an elite college.”

“You weren’t born in America. You were born here where the government’s corrupt.”

“You weren’t born to a wealthy family. And thank GOD because the only way to get rich is to be dishonest. Well you’re not dishonest, are you? That’s good, but it does mean you’ll have to struggle for the rest of your life so sorry about that”

Who knows what bullshit the people in your life have told you…

But if you’re here reading this…

Then you’re already a hero in our eyes…

Because you’re one of the very few people who is committed to taking the lies society is trying to force-feed you…

And spitting them right back out.

In fact, while you may not have realized it…

The moment you decided to pursue a freelancing career…

It’s like you told society “fuck that,” I’m going to make my own luck…

And now you’re either already working as a freelancer – locking down clients and getting paid to do the kinds of things that you (hopefully) love…

Or you’re about to embark on the journey – and you’re feeling both exhilarated and terrified about what your future holds.

No matter who you are or where you are…

You’re in the right place…

Because with this freelancing blueprint in your hands…

You’ll quickly discover…

15 proven ways to get your first client without spending a DIME on advertising, memberships, or anything else…

– The simple “Love Letter” email trick allows you to close pretty much any qualified prospective client (without getting on the phone)…

– The “ROI Escalation Ladder” approach makes it easy for your clients to say “YES!” to your fees (no matter how high they are).

– How to actually leverage referrals and turn each client into 3 more (about 99% of freelancers get this wrong)…

Plus a whole lot more…

And we’ll give you all of the details in just a second.

First, though, you might be wondering who the hell the two of us actually are…

And why you should be listening to a single word we say.

The Art (and business of Freelancing.

We thought about how, if we had only known what we know now…

It would have saved us so much time, hardship, and heartache.

We could have avoided COUNTLESS hours spent on “nowhere” projects…

Felt SIGNIFICANTLY less stressed about money…

And get to where we are today in a fraction of the time.

And realizing all of this…

We agreed that one of the highest impact activities we could do…

Would be to take every single lesson, strategy, and trick we’d learned during our journey as freelancers…

And put them into a comprehensive, easy-to-follow blueprint…

Something that we could then share with other freelancers out there who were still struggling…

And that would help them to drastically increase their income and decrease their headaches.

When it comes down to it…

We wanted to show folks how to work smarter, instead of harder, as a freelancer…

That way, they start getting the RIGHT clients and begin earning what they’re truly worth…

Without having to work more hours, start an agency, or go out and learn any new skills.

Then We Took this Blueprint we’d Created, 

and We Did a “Beta Test” in Las Vegas, Nevada. 

It was a live event that we called Freelancer Freedom and it happened on November 9th, 2019.

We purposely kept the group small…

We hardly did any advertising…

But we still had 20 freelancers fly in from across the country to spend the day with us…

And they paid $2,000 each just to be in the room with us.

Then for the next 7 hours, we proceeded to share everything we knew about succeeding as a freelancer with the attendees…

  • How to close pretty much any qualified prospective client (without getting on the phone)…
  • The truth about Royalties – when he does them when he doesn’t, and why.
  • 3 foolproof ways to pick up at least 3 new clients per month, without ever having to meet them face-to-face…
  • His laundry list of potential client objections he’s dealt with in the past, and how he handles them…
  • The #1 Strategy he uses to close prospective clients on phone calls and emails. Hint: he doesn’t even talk about price until about half an hour into the call.
  • The 5 Biggest Lessons he’s Learned from “Nightmare Clients.” Plus, how he’s set up controls and processes to ensure that he never gets into these types of situations again…

And needless to say…

For the 20 lucky freelancers who were in attendance…

It was as if a lightbulb was flashing above their brains…

Because suddenly, they knew they’d never struggle to get high paying clients again.

So yeah, the event was pretty life-changing for a lot of folks…

And we recorded the entire thing, with the intention of releasing them to the public in the near future.

Then we got lazy.

Or really, to be fair, we had a lot going on.

Life got in the way…

Stefan went to work creating his celebrated copywriting course RMBC…

He partnered in some new health supplement companies that began rapidly scaling to 8 figures…

And was seeing tremendous growth in his Copy Accelerator Mastermind.

Meanwhile, I was running my primary business called Almost Passive Income. I’m about to launch a new supplement company. I’ve been making videos and doing stand up. I moved from LA to Boise. (And mainly I’ve been doing a whole lot of “living” and fun stuff because that’s kinda my thing.)

So up until a few months ago, we weren’t sure if the recordings from this event would ever see the light of day.

But then, something changed…

And that something rhymes with BO-MID and has a number after it that’s one less than twenty

Suddenly there were massive layoffs happening…

People stuck at home, desperate to learn new skills…

The entire world changed almost overnight…

And as all of this was going on…

We realized that people needed a comprehensive freelancing blueprint more than ever…

Because you when you really do understand the art of freelancing…

When you can charge $5k…$15k…$50k for a single job…

Things like shutdowns, recessions, and everything else…

Become a whole lot less scary.

So we went to work…

We went through the event recordings and polished them up…

Then got transcripts made, PDFs, closed captions, and more.

By the time we were done, we were feeling pretty good about the quality of the content…

(Remember, this is the actionable stuff that others gladly paid $2,000 to learn back in November of 2019)…

But we also knew that something was missing:

We needed to take things a step further and create a module that explicitly shows folks how to get new clients.


That’s the #1 question new freelancers were asking Stefan…

And we realized that unless we showed people how to quickly land their first high-quality clients…

Then all of the more advanced stuff we’d taught in Vegas wouldn’t be all that useful.

So Stefan sent out an email to his list, asking the freelancers to share case studies of how they got their first client…

And offering to pay for the top 3-5 case studies he received.

He was expecting to get maybe 10 or 15 responses…

Instead, he got almost 150 case studies…

And because so many of them were SO DAMN GOOD…

He said “screw it” and decided to add FIFTEEN case studies to the Freelancer Freedom Course.

Because here’s the thing:

Not everyone is going to have success with the same strategy…

And there’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach to getting clients.

So rather than forcing people to conform to one methodology…

We said, let’s show people the step-by-step blueprint that fifteen successful freelancers are using RIGHT now to get clients…

That way folks can choose for themselves which strategies and methods they want to use.

Pretty cool, right?

And once we had the 15 in-depth case studies…

Plus the spruced up recordings of the Freelancer Freedom event we did back in November…

That’s when we were ready to bring this program to the public.

So without further ado…

Let us be the first to introduce you to:

The Freelancer Freedom Course

 by Stefan Georgi and Ian Stanley 

Freelancer Freedom is a course designed to get you high paying clients that you LOVE working with. Whether you’re a seasoned freelancer or looking to get your first ever client, we’ve got you covered.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a copywriter, email marketer, coach, agency owner, web designer, graphic designer, etc…the principles and strategies work across the board.

We covered every aspect of freelancing from getting clients, to charging more, to which clients to say no to, and a whole lot more.

Module 1 is one of the coolest parts of this product is the case studies section.

We got case studies from 15 different freelancers on how they got their first clients and grew from there.

I’ll shoot straight with you – the most important client you’ll ever get is your first one. But there’s no ONE way to get your first client. That’s why we made these case studies for you.

All 15 strategies work – but you want to pick the strategies that resonate most with your personality and skillset. (And we’ve done the leg work for you so you can make your decision on which strategy to follow within 60 seconds.)

If you’re looking to land your first ever 4-figure client ($1,000+) then this is the section you’re gonna fall in love with right away.

Here’s exactly what you’ll get in Module 1:

Video 1: Welcome to the course

Video 2: Mindset with Ian and Stefan

Module 2: 

15 case studies to get clients fast. (Yes, I know this can be overwhelming. That’s ok. I just recommend picking ONE strategy and using that. If you already have clients then you can skip this section and go straight to the high-level material Stefan and I made for you.)

Module 3: Recordings from the $2,000 Freelancer Freedom Workshop.

Video 1: What you’re going to learn and why we created this

Video 2: What is your WHY?

Video 3: Stefan’s origin story

Video 4: Financial Anxiety and Vampire Projects

Video 5: How Stefan found a dream client and structured his pay (And started making over $50k a month.)

Video 6: How Stefan broke out of the time for money trap and how you can do the same thing.

Video 7: Stefan goes back to client work…makes some mistakes…and shows you how to avoid the mistakes Ian and Stefan have made

Video 8: How to find your ideal clients

Video 9: Let’s get tactical about Freelancing

Video 10: How to close high-paying clients by “doing the math”

Video 11: What to do if a client says no to your fees

Video 12: The Golden Rule of Freelancing and How to Get Clients

Video 13: Ian’s story from 0 to six figures per year and beyond

Video 14: How to Get Lucky (and how luck can land you the best clients and biggest pay days of your life)

Video 15: You’re not a victim

Video 16: How to use Leverage to explode your income

Video 17: The 3 types of money and Time Independence

Video 18: Ian’s 3 Rules of Freelancing

Video 19: How to get your dream clients using an “80/20 replication”

Video 20: How to use templates to work WAY less and get clients to pay you more by measuring your results

Video 21: The “What’s Working Now” Email List Strategy to create an endless stream of clients that are lining up to pay you

Plus you get these crazy bonuses:

Bonus 1: How to follow up with prospective clients. Over 50% or more of your clients may require to follow up. It’s literally the difference between making $5k a month and $15k a month. If you’re just starting out it’s the difference between making zero dollars…and landing your first 4-figure client.

Do NOT skip this video…no matter how long you’ve been a freelancer. This section alone is worth $1,000 in our opinion. It’s that important.

Bonus 2: Social posting to get more clients (without spending a dime)

Bonus 3: Stefan’s time management system.

Look, the recordings alone are worth way more than the price you’ll pay. People paid $2,000 to be in the room.

If you’re ready to land your first client in the next 30 days then this is for you.

What Would It Be Worth To You To Land Your First Client this Month… Or This Week?

Let me ask you a question that may seem a bit stupid…

What would it be worth to you to get the first client that pays you just $1,000 for a bit of work you do in your spare time? What if they paid you that every month? Or you got just ONE $1,000 client a month?

If I said “give me $1,000 today and give you $1,000 a month for the rest of your life” what would you say? What would you do?

My guess is you would fumble over yourself as fast as possible to hand over the cash…or your credit card. $1,000 for $12,000 a year for the rest of your life? That’s the biggest no-brainer on earth.

But let’s be real…you probably don’t just want an extra $1,000 a month…

You want freedom. You want the type of money that can change your life…and the life of your family.

Maybe that’s $5,000 a month to you. Or $10,000 a month or more.

So what if I said “Give me $1,000 today and I’ll give you $1,000 this month. Then the next month I’ll teach you how to turn that $1,000 a month into $5,000 a month…$10,000 a month…or even $30,000 a month.”

Would you trade $1,000 today for $60,000 a year? Or $120,000 a year? Or $360,000 a year?

I really hope so…

Worth: $899


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