Strategyzer – Mastering Value Propositions

Download Strategyzer Mastering Value Propositions

Mastering Value Propositions

An online course that will teach you how to better understand customers, and create value propositions that sell

  • Learn the Value Proposition Canvas methodology, used by millions of business practitioners worldwide
  • Turn fluffy discussions into practical artifacts
  • Create a shared language around value propositions
  • Pairs with the Business Model Canvas methodology

Here’s what you get…

…and how you’ll apply it immediately

You’ve got an idea for a product or service, but how will you transform that idea into a reality without burning piles of cash and precious time? Millions of people worldwide are using our proven methods to create value propositions customers want — let’s see how you can too.

Can you clearly explain your idea? – Map your Value Proposition

We’ll help you distill your idea into a one-page visual map called The Value Proposition Canvas. You now have a clear picture of how you intend to create value for your customers and are ready to move forward.

Why would customers care about your idea? – Check for Fit

Believe it or not, building something nobody wants is the number one cause of death for businesses. We’ll show you how to critically assess how your idea creates true value for customers. You may be shocked during this phase by how many gaps you find in your value proposition!

How do you stack up? – Assess the Competition

Even if your idea connects well with customers, the competitive market could crush it. It’s time to assess the competition and decide where to compete or differentiate.

What should you change and how? – Improve your Idea

By now the holes that will sink your initial idea will be clear – how do you plug the gaps and take it to the next level? We’ll help you evolve your idea by using our library of quick and inexpensive prototyping techniques.

Are you setting yourself up for a costly failure? – Test and Derisk

Until you’ve taken steps to identify the unknowns and reduce uncertainty – you very well could be. We’ll show you how to find hidden assumptions that could kill your idea. Using our simple tools and rich experiment library, you will produce evidence rather than gambling on guesses. You’ll better understand what will work, what won’t, and how to proceed with confidence.

Don’t let the fear of failure weigh you down. With these engaging lessons, downloadable templates, and practical exercises, you’ll be ready to go from idea to reality. Join the millions of people practicing our methods and Master your Value Proposition.

Go beyond the book

We’ve found a more effective way to turn you into a proficient practitioner of the canvas. Whether you’ve read the book or not, you’ll get more with the course.

Value Proposition Design, in print and many devices

More Skills

While books do an amazing job with sharing and spreading ideas, this course is designed to help you master the skillset and become a real practitioner.

More Media

Our course caters to more learning styles with videos, slide casts, downloadable templates, checklists, and tools.

More Convenient

Viewable on all devices, you can learn at your own pace anywhere you’ve got an internet connection – which is pretty much everywhere. No lugging around heavy books or having to fly to our workshops. Plus, you’ve got lifetime access so you’ll always be able to go back for reference whenever you need.

More Content

More case studies, more examples, and more actionable exercises will help you go further and deeper into mastering the tools.

More Concise

After years of teaching this content, we’ve distilled it to the essence. Each lesson is designed to be extremely practical, visual, and concise – so you don’t have to spend weeks online learning the content.

Real-world examples of techniques you can apply tomorrow

This new online course incorporates battle-tested, real-world learnings from our experience with thousands of practitioners in all types of organizations around the world.

Get the Masters Bundle

Create value for your business and your customers.

A great value proposition without a great business model won’t survive. Incredible business model innovation without a value proposition to customers won’t get off the ground. You need both! Get the Masters Bundle and learn how to better create value for your customers and for your business.

Over 140 bite-sized learning pieces, across 26 lessons, on 11 crucial topics

Unlimited access to 94 videos and over 15.5 hours of learning content that doesn’t expire

Lifetime access, no limits

One methodology, a wide range of practical applications

Companies use our methodologies in diverse ways with applications spanning from strategic reorientation to onboarding new employees and fostering innovative thinking across all levels.

Innovation Units

Create new business models and value propositions to build new growth engines.

Product Managers

Utilize a clear, customer-oriented approach to designing new value propositions and bringing them to the market, or improving existing products.

Sales Teams

Better understand the business model and how to sell their value propositions to various customer segments.

HR Divisions

To enable understanding of business models among all employees and foster innovative thinking.

Corporate Development

Clarify and create a shared language around a business model, for strategic reorientation, or for more effective internal corporate reorganizations.

Watch 5 free preview videos

5 key topics, 13 lessons, over 44 videos, and over 7.5 hours of learning content.

Take the Whole Course:

60 days is more time than you need to go through every lesson in the course! That means you can take the entire course, and if you’re not satisfied– ask and receive a refund.

99%+ Satisfaction Rate:

We are over 99% confident you’ll love it. Less than 1% of people request a refund, so we can be 99% sure you’re going to love it — which is about as good a guarantee as you can realistically give. If you find yourself amongst the 1% that’s not satisfied, no problem. Let us know and we’ll refund you – again with no questions asked.

Worth: $899


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