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Tommy Griffith – The ClickMinded SEO Course

Tommy Griffith – The ClickMinded SEO Course

SEO training to 10x your traffic from Google.
ClickMinded is where 8,702 startups, agencies, entrepreneurs and students learn SEO.
Let me know if this one sounds familiar. You’ve been trying to learn SEO. You’re reading this now, and let me guess, you’ve probably tried to do a few (or all) of the following things:
You’ve read tons of articles about why you NEED to do this one very specific highly-technical SEO tactic in 2019 or you will FAIL
You’ve heard about secret “hacks” that allow people to trick Google and get higher rankings
You’ve tried talking to SEO specialists or following experts on social media – but you ended up more confused than before
You’ve subscribed to an expensive SEO tool and haven’t been able to figure out how to get any value from it and can’t understand half of the things it offers
Most importantly, after everything you’ve tried, you’ve gotten exactly ZERO results for your clients or your own business.
Look, I’ve been there, and I’m the first to admit that there is definitely a struggle, and that struggle is definitely real.
But guess what? It’s not your fault.
It took me a long time to figure this stuff out for myself. And my conclusion is this: The problem is not you… it’s the SEO industry.
SEO has a barrier of unnecessary complexity that’s built on complicated technical information that 99% of people honestly don’t need.
It took me YEARS to learn how to get more organic traffic…but I promise you, it doesn’t have to be this way.
What if you could generate a constant flow of relevant traffic to your site?
Maybe you’d get more clients or charge more money for your services
Maybe you’d get more leads and sales for your business
Maybe you’d get a new promotion or land your dream job
That’s what a fundamental knowledge of SEO can do for you.
Emphasis on the word fundamental.
You don’t need all the fluff, hacks, or the complicated technical stuff that the “gurus” make intentionally confusing.
ClickMinded teaches you EXACTLY what you need to massively increase traffic & sales to your website as quickly as possible.

Here’s just a taste of what you’re getting in the course:
Setting you up for success
Discover the 14 tools I use to create the ideal environment setup to make your SEO life easier (and why every digital marketer should use this setup.)
The ONE thing you need to do before implementing SEO or any other digital marketing so you can emotionally connect with your potential customers (plus, a step-by-step worksheet to help you do this.)
What a sales funnel is and why you need one before doing SEO
What you need to know about organic search
A simple definition of how SEO fundamentally works, and more importantly, what SEO is NOT
How to implement the ClickMinded Search Framework to ANY search engine (Google, Yelp, Amazon, Pinterest, YouTube, Quora, etc) so you can optimize for any platform and start ranking your content
How the idea of “query refinement” is one of the most important and underrated aspects of search engine optimization, and why just being on the first page of Google isn’t enough anymore (you’ll also learn the ideal search engine position you should aim for and why.)
An in-depth explanation of the relationship between your sales funnel and searcher intent so you know which keywords belong in the top, middle, or bottom of the funnel (this and the ClickMinded Search Framework will help you decide what kind of content to create for your users)

Understanding EXACTLY what users want and how to create a powerful DATA-DRIVEN strategy
I’ll walk you step-by-step on how to do keyword research by doing it for a brand new website (you’ll be able to apply the same process to your own site or business and discover your best keywords target)
Why you should use 3rd party tools instead of the Google Keyword Planner (and how to use my favorite keyword research tool)
The 2 things that should drive your digital marketing strategy even (and why you shouldn’t trust your own idea of what you think your market wants OR what content you want to create.)
The reason why you should do keyword research until you die! (Answer: Your competitors aren’t doing this, so where they suck you can be great and win the game by putting the work upfront)
How to create a content plan based on your keyword research (and the simple math you can use to know which pages and content to create first based on the expected revenue to be generated.)

Worth: $599


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