Ty Cohen & Mike Balmaceda – Six Figure Success Academy

Download Ty Cohen & Mike Balmaceda – Six Figure Success Academy (WORTH: $997)

What is the Six Figure Success Academy?
OK, so in short, what the Six Figure Success Academy is, is a video training program that shows anyone – even those with no online marketing experience whatsoever, how to create an easy cash-generating system via the Internet. It leads you through an easy to follow the system in which to create webinars that sell – and that sell pretty much anything you care to think of.

What will you learn in Six Figure Success Academy?

  • Week 1: A Crash Webinar Course: Discover everything you need to know about video marketing. But not only that, you become totally aware of the techniques that work (and those that don’t!).
  • Week 2: Create Your Avatar: Your ‘frontman’ if you like… It’s the way you communicate with your potential customers.
  • Week 3: Is All About The Money: Now the important stuff… The monetization process.
  • Week 4: Software & Hardware: Exactly as it sounds, how to set up your video software, and the types of hardware to choose from
  • Week 5: Generate Your Dollars: You can now start to put it all into practice. And, most vitally, see your first profits begin to roll in.
  • Week 6: Optimize and Scale: Discover how to fine-tune your products. In other words, how to choose where you spend your most time and money (especially if you end up moving into utilizing paid advertising).

Who is Six Figure Success Academy for?

To be honest, the target market for the Six-Figure Success Academy is really the novice Internet marketer. It will really appeal to those who have little to no experience in this field. However… If you’ve been trying for a while to increase your online income, but to no avail, then the program really could suit you down to the ground. And thanks to the course being presented in bite-sized pieces, it’s easy to follow even if you’re really time-constrained (or have a full-time job).

Worth: $449


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